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Old 27 July 2009, 22:07   #1
Country: USA
Town: SoCal
Boat name: Na
Make: AB
Length: 3m +
Engine: Outboard, gas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 9
AB 13VST with e-Tec 40 prop & motor height Q

I have an 05' AB 390 VST with an 06' Evinrude e-tec 40. (100 hours on both.) Serviced and changed to XD100 programming.
Currently does about 35 top speed with just me. I had to shut off around that because the water hasn't been calm enough. It may do faster but I don't know yet.

I wave ride in SoCal almost every day. Conditions are usually 4 - 5ft. I have a 3 blade prop, but don't know what pitch yet. I bought the rig used. The prop doesn't look stock.

I want holeshot speed for waves, any advice?

I am unfamiliar with any of this until recently: Is it normal to do a fast u turn and when advancing off or on a wave it wallows until the prop catches? My theory is that the water is still swirling around the motor from the turn and change in direction. Will 'propping' boost me out of this situation faster? Or is this just unrealistic at this power and boat size?

Will jumping to a 60hp e-tec do the trick, or will the power be negligible to notice?

I don't care too much about top end since taking this past 35mph is suicide. But 20-25 would suck....

I also wonder if anyone has a similar setup and had to raise the motor? I would have to pull out of water and can't right now. (Stupidly I never plumbed to see if the standard setup is proper for height.) I have found most RIBs seem to just have the motor dropped on. I don't know if anyone bothers to check the heights when installing, or if the RIB Manufacturers already have the Transoms at the proper height in the first place. I found on my old 93' Avon Supersport that the motor needed to be raised 3/4 of an inch after the original owner just threw it on the stock transom.
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Old 28 July 2009, 06:09   #2
Country: USA
Town: SoCal
Boat name: Na
Make: AB
Length: 3m +
Engine: Outboard, gas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 9
More Info

Ok, WOT is around 6,500. (Specs are 5,500-6,000.)

Prop is a 14x17, OEM.

The wallowing was exaggerated by boat loaded with people. However I would like answers to the questions I posted. Anyone?
SoCal Waver Rider
2005 AB 390
w/ 2006 Evinrude E-TEC 40
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