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Old 04 January 2022, 17:09   #1
Country: UK - England
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Advice Needed: Binacle mounted control for Evinrude Etec

I have a Evinrude 150 Etec (G1) which came with a side mount control.

On my new console I am looking to mount the control on the left hand side of the wheel on the main face of the console.

The evinrude binacle control units have the trim controls on the left side of the throttle leaver, which means they would be on the little finger end if placed normally.

I'd like to have a control with them on the right, but not sure how to go about it.

I will need to buy a new control but before I do I wanted to ask what, if any of the following are possible?

1, Turn the whole unit through 180 degrees and then connect the control cables appropriately for forwards and backwards. One downside is the key/kill chord are then at the top.

2. Is there a way to switch the throttle control handle from side to side whilst leaving the main control unit the correct way up?

3. Is there a third party control unit which will work with the Evinrude engine, or do I need to stay within the same make?

4. Learn to use trim from the left and stop over thinking it

I don't really want to buy something and find out I have wasted money when there is such a wealth of knowledge on here.


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Old 04 January 2022, 20:44   #2
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Have PMd you.
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Old 04 January 2022, 21:03   #3
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On the assumption that you are right handed, Dag Pike would have suggested that the throttle goes to the right of the wheel. His reasoning was that you need more finesse with the throttle than the wheel and that was more easily achieved with your leading hand.
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Old 05 January 2022, 12:38   #4
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by GuyC View Post
On the assumption that you are right handed, Dag Pike would have suggested that the throttle goes to the right of the wheel. His reasoning was that you need more finesse with the throttle than the wheel and that was more easily achieved with your leading hand.
Fortunately I am a member of the under represented lefties, so on the left would be better for me.

I'm shortly going to run for Prime Minister, with the manifest that for one day we will make every right handed person use a set of left handed scissors and a leftie can opener.....
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Old 05 January 2022, 20:24   #5
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Advice Needed: Binacle mounted control for Evinrude Etec

Originally Posted by Takson View Post
Fortunately I am a member of the under represented lefties, so on the left would be better for me.

I'm shortly going to run for Prime Minister, with the manifest that for one day we will make every right handed person use a set of left handed scissors and a leftie can opener.....

I thought the Lefties had already taken over the asylum….[emoji6]

On a serious note, I did the same with my Suzuki binnacle mount. It comes as standard rigged for RH mounting. There were instructions in the box on how to re-hand it for LH use. This puts the trim switch on the RH side.
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Old 06 January 2022, 00:39   #6
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My Highfield has the trim control on the little finger side instead of the thumb control and I have noticed on other new boats featured on Youtube that they are also.

Since RIBs were originally used as tenders to go from a big boat to a beach at times and you need to trim as you approach the beach while adjusting the throttle, using your thumb while you have a good grip on the throttle would be ideal.

But, you basically get used to it. Once the throttle is out of neutral you can use your fingers on the trim control while controlling the speed.
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Old 06 January 2022, 09:17   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
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Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Thank you for all the input. I'm going to stick with an OEM Evinrude binacle control which I have hopefully sourced on here.
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