20 October 2007, 19:02
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Another Evinrude 150DI Disaster.
Last weekend I took up an offer from a friend of mine to go down to Weymouth to visit the bright lights an bars. On the Saturday afternoon we had a wander around the harbour and spotted a seamark speedboat being towed into the harbour with a very unhappy and concerned looking owner. It turned out his Evinrude 150DI had siezed up.  He was not a happy chappy. We overheard his conversation with his mate as he explained he had one month left on his warranty.
Does anyone know what the situation is with a serious warranty claim like this so late into the warranty. Would the engine be repaired with no questions asked, or would he expect to have to put up a fight with the supplier or engine manufacturer?
20 October 2007, 20:10
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Wouldn't have thought he'd have a problem with the manufaturer with any warranty claim, unless it was deemed his own fault like forgetting to fill up the oil or keeping up with the servicing.
What do you meen another Disaster? Do you know of any others?
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20 October 2007, 21:39
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Hi Tony
I wouldn't think Evinrude would put up an argument, they are very, very experienced at dealing with seized DI Warranty claims.
One of my Friends and Customers has had 3 in a row gone bang, all under 10 hours use, they really are a "cracking" piece of kit. Now on Etecs which are much better.
21 October 2007, 11:05
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What do you meen another Disaster? Do you know of any others? [/QUOTE
What makes an engine go Bang?
Excitement at Dittisham on Saturday. I was enjoying a pint of Broadside on the pontoon whilst Lakeland pup 2 was crabbing when I heard a huge bang and glimpsed something shooting oveer the water a la bouncing bomb. This was followed a few seconds later by a cloud of smoke & a shout to the equivalent of "oh dear we've got a fire". I grabbed the extinguisher & raced to the other side of the pontoon where there was a large dory with its OB well aflame. 2 extinguishers put out the fire & fortunately no-one was hurt. The engine - a 115Hp Evinrude was a right mess though. What I had seen was the cover flying over the water as it blew off.
The owner reckoned he had just turned to key as normal to start when it went bang. What could have caused this?? It was very impressive, but musty have been rather scary for those on board. Lucky they were still tied to the pontoon.
I believe Lakelandterrier recently submitted the above post about an Evinrude that went BANG and as I am considering which engine to buy I would not like to make the wrong choice as the engine is an expensive part of a build project. I know most manufacturers have slight problems but the older Evinrude seem to have more than there fair share of major issues. I think I might consider the opti or suzi as they seem to have good press over a longer period. My concern because I would be buying second hand is obviously a lack of warranty!!
21 October 2007, 13:01
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I must admit to being a fan of evinrude had two new ones couple silly minor problem which was sorted out if your looking second hand i think opti,s are having compreessors blowing up but i have not heard of problems with suzi look for the evinrude four stroke they are rebagded suzi,s good luck
21 October 2007, 15:12
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some di motors had issues with injector retaining bolts, could fail causing fire, there is a kit available to sort problem out. usually done by dealer. details of the recall and models affected on brp site.
21 October 2007, 18:03
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If you are going to put a allot of time and effort in to a build I would go for a new Mercury Optimax (5 year Warranty) or Etec (3 year Warranty). Leave the DI's well alone.
21 October 2007, 18:25
Country: Netherlands
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Own a 250 DI Evinrude for almost 3 years now and no problems at all. And I know many happy owners of DI's.
So the title "Another Evinrude 150DI Disaster" is at least prepossessed.
21 October 2007, 19:10
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Originally Posted by MarkM
Own a 250 DI Evinrude for almost 3 years now and no problems at all. And I know many happy owners of DI's.
So the title "Another Evinrude 150DI Disaster" is at least prepossessed.
Try telling that to the chap who had the mis-fortune of being towed in to Weymouth, I would not like to repeat his verbal onslaught of his engine on this thread, but I am glad to hear you have had no problems, but personally if I am to consider a build project, and as long as there is an element of doubt in these engines, which clearly there is, then I would prefer to edge my bets on a more proven and reliable engine.
21 October 2007, 19:33
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dis information
Have had experience of both DI Evinrudes and Optimax.
I know of a 225 Rude, it siezed simply because the oil level rather than oil pressure switch in the remote oil tank, stuck in its normal position, simple electrical fault like this told the ECU everything was ok no fault codes for low oil and the motor under load siezed, also was the 150 which failed running the reccommended ficht ram oil,or xd oil which has replaced it, not the premimum plus stuff.
I have also seen a few posts here about supposed Potimax compressor failures.
This is simply not accurate, what does happen is the 2 stroke oil feed to the overhead compressor can simply detach, not good I know from movement/vibration etc.
This is simply resolved by a cabletie/ clip around the oil feed in.
If you do some research on www.boatsetup.com you will find out all about the upgrade to prevent the injector fires on some of the Ficht Ram models
21 October 2007, 19:40
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As ever you only hear about the ones that go bang. There are threads on here at the moment about Optimax problems ass well.
21 October 2007, 19:55
Country: Netherlands
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Originally Posted by waverunner
Try telling that to the chap who had the mis-fortune of being towed in to Weymouth, I would not like to repeat his verbal onslaught of his engine on this thread, but I am glad to hear you have had no problems, but personally if I am to consider a build project, and as long as there is an element of doubt in these engines, which clearly there is, then I would prefer to edge my bets on a more proven and reliable engine.
Before the 250 DI, I had an Evinrude 150 Ficht from the OMC era. On my way back from the Ribex 1995 I stalled 50 km south-west of Brighton. I knew what the problem was and I know this is all sorted out by BRP. So I had all faith in buying another EVINRUDE DI.
21 October 2007, 20:34
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Wave runner.
when i rescently made my descision on which engine to go for, I searched through previous threads, spoke to dealers, and asked questions at rib cruises, the two engines that most people had confidence in were suzuki,
and optimax, two totally different engines, having had the suzi 140, i knew this to be a good allround relliable engine, however, with all the new builds of late, the optimax seemed the majority choice, If in an ideal world i would go
with the optimax performance, when out on my own, but the refined quietness of the suzuki. out with the fammily. Apparently the new Etecs are good as with honda
but phehaps slightly dearer, Still glad i went with the opti.
Top banana
21 October 2007, 21:07
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Originally Posted by MarkM
....I knew what the problem was .....
What was the problem and how easily was it sorted?
22 October 2007, 07:39
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Good warranty service
We are very happy with their service. Evinrude replaced the complete motor block under warranty.
22 October 2007, 08:37
Country: Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
What was the problem and how easily was it sorted?
In the S.L.O.W.-mode (Speed Limiting Operational Warning) it took us all day to get to Brighton. Thanks to very helpfull people in England, everything was sorted out after one week. A new EMM (Engine Management Module) was ordered and put in place.
The 150 Ficht has the EMM on top of the engine. The cooling water is vertical situated between the V-shape of the cilinders. So is the hottest on top.
A jellied seal was cracked by the heat and water got into the EMM.
OMC recieved a lot of complaints about this from the warmer countries. So BRP changed the construction when they took over OMC.
The 250 DI has the EMM at the back of the engine with a separate cooling system. I knew all this when I decided to buy another Evinrude.
22 October 2007, 18:19
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Originally Posted by Seaharrier
We are very happy with their service. Evinrude replaced the complete motor block under warranty.
What was the problem?
22 October 2007, 19:16
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Originally Posted by Seaharrier
We are very happy with their service. Evinrude replaced the complete motor block under warranty.
I am sorry but I must be missing something here.
I am considering purchasing an engine, and your quote indicates you are happy with their service even though you have had to have a complete motor block replaced. Are you not concerned this may happen again?, and will they honour the warranty a second time around if it does need replacing again? Did they say why it happened in the first place? Were you not unhappy about the fact that your boat was out of action until repaired for however long it took? Would you comfortably be prepared to buy another engine knowing the problems you have had?
If it were me I would be thoroughly p****d off.
22 October 2007, 19:25
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Originally Posted by waverunner
I am sorry but I must be missing something here.
I am considering purchasing an engine, and your quote indicates you are happy with their service even though you have had to have a complete motor block replaced. Are you not concerned this may happen again?, and will they honour the warranty a second time around if it does need replacing again? Did they say why it happened in the first place? Were you not unhappy about the fact that your boat was out of action until repaired for however long it took? Would you comfortably be prepared to buy another engine knowing the problems you have had?
If it were me I would be thoroughly p****d off.
Almost every brand of product has some problems during its life. Outboard motors included.
Does this meen that anytime something goes wrong, you'll never give a product a second chance, no matter what it is?
If however your problem is met by a dealer that will look after their customers and honour warrantee claims without hassle then shouldn't that be good enough for a second chance.
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22 October 2007, 20:01
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Almost every brand of product has some problems during its life. Outboard motors included.
Does this meen that anytime something goes wrong, you'll never give a product a second chance, no matter what it is?
If however your problem is met by a dealer that will look after their customers and honour warrantee claims without hassle then shouldn't that be good enough for a second chance.
I would not disagree with your statement about "almost every brand of product has some problems during its life", but engine blocks going bang in my book are serious problems, and if I can opt for a more proven unit then that is what I will go for.
Imagine the scene, wife and kids onboard on the way to Guernsey, sudden turn in weather, and engine siezes up!! god forbid......would your warranty be the first thing on your mind in that situation, because survival would be first and foremost on mine!!!!!
I am sorry but my mind is now firmly made up, from what I have witnessed and read on some of these threads I would not give the Evinrude 150Di a first chance, let alone a second chance.
Going back to the start of this thread, I can only re-itterate the feelings and choice words of the guy that was towed into harbour at Weymouth, and I am now certain I will be choosing between the Suzuki 4-stroke or the Mercury Optimax.
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