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Old 17 June 2005, 16:23   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardnamurchan
Make: Domar Corsair
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 20HP
MMSI: What?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 215
Another Tell-tale issue :D

Right here we go, my lovely engine is at it still/again.

As some might remember i have just spent in the region of 300 quid on it to get it going... and now its going, pulls prettymuch first start etc, enormous whack of power compared to what it was when i got it.... Now here's the snag...

When I fire up the engine and its cold, the tell-tale pisses out water at quite a pressure... it will continue doing so until the engine starts getting warmer.. it will get warmer and the tell-tale lowers pressure, and when its warm, the tell tale just vanishes and all you can see is a small dribble running down the side of the head.

I blew compressed air through the tell-tale hole and its clear, also blew through the flush port bit.

The manual has NOTHING about a (dodgey) thermostat or anything that controls the flow.

As soon as the engine cools down, tell tale comes back up... Perhaps its warm bearings expanding, or rubber seals expanding?

As you might think, i am a bit worried and dont trust this engine the way it is...

Any ideas? Am i going to have to take the lower leg out and take the pump to bits and stuff (again)?

The impeller was replaced during the winter months when it was in "storage"...


EDIT: Its a 1972 20HP Mercury Blue band. "Belgium" edition.
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Old 18 June 2005, 19:08   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardnamurchan
Make: Domar Corsair
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 20HP
MMSI: What?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 215
Fixed, at least it appears to be...!

Took the lower leg off, took the pump to bits, cleaned it all up, impeller was in A1 condition, so just left it there... checked the pipes going up the leg, something strange was happening, air going out into exhaust (with compressor), kinda gave up etc... tried it again later and a wad of junk came out of the pipe that goes up the leg... so it must have been a wad moving up and down depending on pressure!

Anyway, time for dinner now..
And my can of Quicksilver power tune still awaites...

Running it in a box made of breezeblocks with a bit of rope around them, and a plastic liner, got it up to full RPM in gear, but it threw out half the water.. so i cant use the power tune there as it needs to run full throttle for 5 min
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Old 18 June 2005, 22:03   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardnamurchan
Make: Domar Corsair
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 20HP
MMSI: What?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 215
Alright then... Just to let you know, Quicksilver power-tune ROCKS!

Clean plugs before i began, they came out BLACK

The water, which was tapwater ended up white cream/black
Not to mention all the smoke... that was fun!

Throttle response is about 20x better than it was, and im sure the max RPM has been increased, it feels/sounds more powerfull now.

And the waterpump seems to be holding up nicely

I wonder if the fuel economy is a tad better now
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