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Old 07 October 2016, 10:42   #1
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Anti Theft & Risk Reducing Measures

Hi, As a first time boat owner I just took delivery of a new Excel 390 and Suzuki 20hp. Because it's new it will be a magnet for the light fingered fraternity when moored during our summer vacation.. I will insure it but also want to make life as hard as possible for anyone who would relieve us of the pleasure this boat will bring.

Is swopping the plug leads a good idea? Is there any way to incorporate a hidden kill switch or portable GPS tracker? What about stencilling the boat and what info would you put and where?

I have a cover to keep the rain out but what accessories (oars, bow canopy etc) would you take with you and what would you leave? Is an engine cover worthwhile? What is the best transom lock to buy?

Any ideas are much appreciated, thanks!
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Old 07 October 2016, 10:50   #2
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>>>magnet for the light fingered fraternity when moored during our summer vacation

How/where will it be "moored"?
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Old 07 October 2016, 10:55   #3
Country: UK - England
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Floating pontoon at Salcombe. I don't know how it all works yet but I'd rather not deflate it every day like with the Sevylor.
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Old 07 October 2016, 11:25   #4
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Ahh OK.

Personally when on a pontoon I just make sure I have an outboard lock fitted to satisfy insurance requirements, don't leave the kill cord/s on the boat and perhaps just pop off the tank end connector so it doesn't look obvious.

That way you've stopped the opportunist jumping in and powering off.

But more than that I wouldn't bother with interfering with the engine under the hood as that doesn't stop the boat being untied and towed to a quiet place for the boys to strip off whatever they want.

We always arrange our holiday locations so we can take the boat out of the water at the end of each day on its transom wheels and tuck it away out of sight with a motorbike security cable connecting both boat and outboard to something that stops it being wheeled away. It only sits on the pontoon during the day between trips when there are folks about where the risk is a lot lower.
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Old 07 October 2016, 11:28   #5
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You can buy small car trackers that work from battery no bigger than one found in a digital camera, and run from a mobile sim car thay can cost a few Bob, as for immobilising the outboard your best bet is probably to fit a small switch hidden under some cables/ fule pipe that splits the kill switch loop. Any Stiky fingerd bandet will be to busy mucking around with fule checking spark Leeds and other commen problemsto rummage around for a second switch.

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Old 07 October 2016, 12:20   #6
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suzuki do data tag i used some of the micro pellets on my boat as well if they want it it will go but data tagging makes it traceable as you mark all the parts of the engine.
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Old 07 October 2016, 21:25   #7
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Wow are things really that bad over that side of the pond?
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Old 08 October 2016, 10:51   #8
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Check your insurance very carefully. It may be that I am not asking for the right type of policy but all the SIB insurances I have had stipulate in the small print that the boat is not covered if left afloat unattended.

I would love to be proved wrong if anyone can point me to a policy that does cover leaving afloat.


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Old 08 October 2016, 11:21   #9
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Good point Chris. My Craftinsure policy does not cover left unattended on tidal waters. Happy to take on that risk for shortish pontoon daytime periods but another reason why I haul it out overnight.

Other policies may differ.
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Old 08 October 2016, 18:50   #10
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post
Wow are things really that bad over that side of the pond?
It is we had a rib and a sib stolen from work security fencing locks on wheels and hitches took them 11 minuets from start to away with both boats.
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Old 08 October 2016, 21:25   #11
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post
Wow are things really that bad over that side of the pond?
No, in most of the UK it will be fine. Some areas may be worse, but I think there is also a degree of owner paranoia at play. In the busy areas there is probably something better and easier to nick nearby. In quiet areas you need to be lucky to find something easily stolen in the first place. Boats do get stolen, but ones on trailers are far easier than afloat. Boats afloat more likely to be "borrowed" by someone on way home from the pub, or simply untied and cast adrift by teenagers causing mischief.

Originally Posted by chris123 View Post
Check your insurance very carefully. It may be that I am not asking for the right type of policy but all the SIB insurances I have had stipulate in the small print that the boat is not covered if left afloat unattended.
The exact wording varies and I found higher price was slightly better (cheap policies often having restrictions about dusk-dawn also). But as a rule nobody will cover you without specifying the location, they are more worried about swamping/sinking than theft though. If I remember rightly my policy will cover me on a pontoon berth. I can also let them know in advance where I am going and agree other locations. I think I also clarified that unattended in my underwriters opinion does not mean "over lunch". In reality, the underwriters don't understand what you are doing with your boat.

OP- Fwiw, I don't generally think you want to bother with disconnecting ht leads. 1. Keys and kill cord will stop most people. 2. Disconnecting the fuel line (or better still removing it / locking it away) will stop anyone who is not prepared. 3. Nothing you do to the engine stops someone just casting it adrift or slashing the tubes.
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