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Old 17 September 2002, 21:53   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Anyone got a 150hp FICHT ??

Anyone got one of the above on their boat??

If so, or if you know of anyone that has one or two, would be interested to hear how they are getting on with it.
Reliability? is the ecomony what they reckon?
And more to the point would you recommend it.

Await your comments.

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Old 18 September 2002, 07:02   #2
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I have had a 115 since april 2001 and have nothing but praise !

Changed a Mariner 100 up to the 115 ficht and fuel consumption went down and performance up!

No problems at all starts first turn after weeks of inactivity .

Great engine buy one !

07836 596619 if you want more info.

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Old 18 September 2002, 09:14   #3
Country: Ireland
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I have 2x 75 ficht rams, they are great, nothing but prase for evinrude, fuel consumption of a 4 stroke, with the power of a 2, and a lot less servicing. They are good on oil consumption too, and I have only seen the engines smoke once for about 30 sec. You have to use the Evinrude Ficht Ram oil in them though, this is more expencive than other oil, but it has Carb X in it to stop carbon building up

As far as I Know the early 150 and 175 gave trouble, with blown pistons, heads etc and this gave the whole range of engines a bad name, but when they upgraded the engine to FICHT RAM(2000-2001), this solved the problems.

Its very hard to find a bad report on any engine after the RAM upgrade, as I have spent many hours serching the American sites, The yanks also gave out yards about the after sales service they got from OMC.

As far as I know South Coast Marine near Bournemouth, Have a second hand one for sale, and I found Mike very helpful there, Tel 01202 482695
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Old 23 September 2002, 09:53   #4
Country: Other
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I have had a 150 evinrude ficht since 1998 on the back of a
7.5 scorpion i had no problems with the ficht before the upgrades
or after and i would buy a new ficht .
This engine has cost less to run then my mariner 115 hp.
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