27 September 2019, 10:29
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aspen fuel
anyone know if Aspen fuel can be mixed with unleaded ie; if i have a tank with Aspen can i switch to unleaded and vise versa.
when i say unleaded super unleaded without ethanol [BP brand]
27 September 2019, 15:08
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Aspen website says you can:
"Can I mix Aspen with regular petrol?
Aspen mixes with regular pump gasoline – you do not need to worry about a strange reaction. However, when mixed with regular petrol you will not gain the same benefits as using only Aspen, You may find that your engine has to be slightly adjusted depending on the quality of the regular petrol."
27 September 2019, 15:39
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i guessed you could willk but not a chemist so wasn't shore more details on why later
27 September 2019, 15:41
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guess you have realised aspen 2 (2stroke ) and aspen 4 (4stroke ) ,cant comment on engine use but athough crazy money as petrol ,it is very cheap "Coleman fluid " for your stove
27 September 2019, 19:13
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
...more details on why later
If I had an auxie on standby with an internal tank of gas, it would be Aspen. It would then need to run on standard gas in an emergency.
27 September 2019, 19:21
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Originally Posted by Orwell boy
guess you have realised aspen 2 (2stroke ) and aspen 4 (4stroke ) ,cant comment on engine use but athough crazy money as petrol ,it is very cheap "Coleman fluid " for your stove
What’s the going rate for it?
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27 September 2019, 19:29
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It's a bit early to be sure but I've had a Tickover problem for two years it stalls after a few mins If in gear priming the bulb overcomes it the it runs at high revs all day. Long story short two service agents can't find anything wrong, except where it is now at ardoran marine where they have done sea trials after changing the plugs with sooty deposits and set the tappets ran for an hour at all rev ranges with no problems.
They've had similar problems with other engines putting it down to the 95 octane methanol added fuel they think the ethernol drops out and coats the fuel system to that end they say don't use fuel more than a month old also some manufacturers arnt warrenting carberettors for more than a month for the fuel quality reason. I've heard that fuel is mixed to client requirements so buying the supermarket cheap stuff as I do could be the problem. He recamends using BP super unleaded 99 obtain with no ethernol to be better with aspen fuel in the system for winter or long periods because it lasts up to five years.
That would also be good for AUX engines with little use.
Of course it might be my problem sorted we shall see I will use brand new super unleaded when I go up next month for the test, usually the problem starts in about 15 mins normally.
27 September 2019, 19:30
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
What’s the going rate for it?
5ltrs £ 19 ish Dave it's said to clean the engine too
27 September 2019, 20:15
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Interestingly the Aspen website
suggests that the Aspen 2 should only be used in land based two stroke engines and for marine use, you should use Aspen 4 mixed with Aspen outboard oil.
27 September 2019, 20:39
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
5ltrs £ 19 ish Dave it's said to clean the engine too
Yes i studied it a bit when i was doing alot of night beach fishing ,£40 to £50 a gallon for coleman fluid !! ,aspen basically is seen as pure petrol won,t leave any residue in jets etc ,think they call it naptha otherside of the pond ,loved by the landscape gardeners for strimmers and chain saws , did reccomend it to a few,some years back for stanby on yahct ouboards , not sure about cylinder lubricants etc ,bit like whats in the carb cleaner aerosols maybe ?
27 September 2019, 21:12
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27 September 2019, 21:45
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>>>using BP super unleaded 99 obtained with no ethanol
This from BP's own website Jeff... **Petrol in the UK already contains up to 5% bioethanol and has done for more than 10 years. Both BP regular unleaded petrol and BP Ultimate unleaded petrol are now also labelled as E5**
This labelling on the pumps has been law since the first of this month and it allows 5% ethanol to be added to the super unlead at will without breaking the legal spec.
My understanding is now ethanol in petrol is an ever more grey area and definitive answers are hard to get but BP and Esso super unlead grades are the most likely to be ethanol free except for the SW of England where 5% is usually added to both brands.
Also Esso state this... **Esso super unleaded petrol (Synergy Supreme+ Unleaded 97) is ethanol free (except in Devon, Cornwall, the Teesside area and Scotland)**
So Scotland not free of the super unlead ethanol risk either. Also some supermarkets have been adding 5% to their own super unlead for several years over the whole country.
28 September 2019, 00:02
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colman fuel £40/50 per gallon..... same as panel wipe £14 per gallon that's what I use in my colman stove and lamp [emoji362]
28 September 2019, 10:55
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
>>>using BP super unleaded 99 obtained with no ethanol
This from BP's own website Jeff... **Petrol in the UK already contains up to 5% bioethanol and has done for more than 10 years. Both BP regular unleaded petrol and BP Ultimate unleaded petrol are now also labelled as E5**
This labelling on the pumps has been law since the first of this month and it allows 5% ethanol to be added to the super unlead at will without breaking the legal spec.
My understanding is now ethanol in petrol is an ever more grey area and definitive answers are hard to get but BP and Esso super unlead grades are the most likely to be ethanol free except for the SW of England where 5% is usually added to both brands.
Also Esso state this... **Esso super unleaded petrol (Synergy Supreme+ Unleaded 97) is ethanol free (except in Devon, Cornwall, the Teesside area and Scotland)**
So Scotland not free of the super unlead ethanol risk either. Also some supermarkets have been adding 5% to their own super unlead for several years over the whole country.
The aus BP web site states no ethernol in super unleaded but I don't see the same for a uk web site all on Google.
My thoughts for me are that I will use super unleaded in the outboard and wash out and leave in for extended periods aspen, I got a reply from them saying no problem mixing the two 
Of course I haven't been up to test the engine as yet but it's running fine on unleaded (tesco)at the moment from the Jura trip so if it runs ok over a couple of days on super unleaded I will be happy then when it's home the unleaded goes in the wife's car all tanks and lines cleaned with aspen and go from there. If it plays up while at ardoran I will prove to them the problem first hand and leave it there and get Suzuki involved again.
The problem I have although ardoran have a view on ethernol as I explained, not seen any feedback on here other than the odd ask of how long fuel lasts.
28 September 2019, 10:56
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Originally Posted by GuyC
Interestingly the Aspen website
suggests that the Aspen 2 should only be used in land based two stroke engines and for marine use, you should use Aspen 4 mixed with Aspen outboard oil.
Makes sense, it's clearly not TCW3 if it's being used in saws and strimmers - good to have a reminder.
28 September 2019, 11:00
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Yes aspen 4 only for outboards and mix with the correct oil
28 September 2019, 19:22
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Originally Posted by Big Al C
colman fuel £40/50 per gallon..... same as panel wipe £14 per gallon that's what I use in my colman stove and lamp [emoji362]
Exactly what brand of panel wipe?
It varies per brand.
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28 September 2019, 20:29
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Not really bothered about the brand,,,,, at the end of the day I'm burning its not being used to wipe the car before a paint job
28 September 2019, 22:16
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Exactly what brand of panel wipe?
It varies per brand.
Thats not a stupid statement ,i wrecked a vapouriser loop with panel wipe ,i think its a case of which manufacturer ,i never went back after that ,just staight to aspen 4
30 September 2019, 08:23
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
They've had similar problems with other engines putting it down to the 95 octane methanol added fuel they think the ethernol drops out and coats the fuel system to that end they say don't use fuel more than a month old also some manufacturers arnt warrenting carberettors for more than a month for the fuel quality reason. I've heard that fuel is mixed to client requirements so buying the supermarket cheap stuff as I do could be the problem.
I’ve a lot of time for Ardoran, but something got lost in translation there, either from them to you or whatever website they read that on!
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