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Old 07 December 2003, 09:59   #1
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Auxillary Outboard

I am trying to work out whether to buy an auxillary outboard.

I am going to use the boat around the solent with wife + kids and when I bought it I planned to get one.

I then (recklessly in my wifes opinion" almost spent £300 on ebay on a "bargain" and fortunately did no win it in the last minute.

I have then been advised both ways on the pros and cons. So I thought sod it, most people say don't bother you'll never use it and when you do it won't work. Everyone else says "if you use it once it will have been worth it.

I then had a thought which with some hindsight and the benfit of neot being able to walk into the local pub without being on the receiving end of 10 mins of verbal abuse - Why not buy a Seagull outboard for £50.

Apart from being branded a fool (won't use twat) by most people who know me I am no further on with the decision. No doubt this has been discussed at length before - but

Any advice?

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Old 07 December 2003, 10:10   #2
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Being a new RIBer myself, I also asked myself the same question!

I suppose it's down to whether you think you main outboard is reliable or not. Mine is 14 years old with no history and if I don't get an Aux. I'll build up confidence in the Harbour and the Solent before taking her for instance around the Island.

I'll have VHF and safety equipment as back up. But who knows if a cheap Aux. Engine came my way I might just buy it, you can always sell it on if you don't use it!

Perhaps we could meet up when our respective boats are "Sea" worthy.

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Old 07 December 2003, 10:12   #3
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We do have an aux and hope it will work if we need it to!! However, if you really are only going to be in the Solent you could use the money to join Seastart (like the AA/RAC but for boats) instead. If you're a 'belt AND braces' man, you could even go for both!

Don't just take a spare engine, though, take a spare boat!
We like to cruise in the company of another boat - more fun & more safe - just make sure you carry plenty of extra rope, including floating ropes, in case you need a tow!
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Old 07 December 2003, 11:24   #4
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Re: Auxillary Outboard

Originally posted by malcolm
Why not buy a Seagull outboard for £50
Good idea - but sell it on to a collector to make a profit!

If you do get an auxiliary, it needs to be modern and reliable. My £300 on Ebay bought me a 2001 Mercury 5. Unfortunately it doesn't have a serial number (but then neither does it have any file marks or re-painting). Real bargains on Ebay are few and far between.
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Old 07 December 2003, 17:45   #5
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I know it's a bit more expensive, but at the time of buying my new rib, I got a new suzuki 4-stroke 4hp aux engine which fits nicely onto the back of the rib.

Knowing that I will be doing some trips locally by myself, I figured it'd be a handy thing to have. At the end of the day, I trust the main engine implicitly, but then, you never can tell I suppose

It's only good for 4.5 knots, but that should be enough to get me out of serious trouble in most cases, or at least help out while I prepare and drop the anchor and call for help.

There have been a few cases of people round here writing off their gearboxes after hitting pots in the river, and they've been saved by their aux engine, which despite slow has always got them home at the end of the day.

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Old 07 December 2003, 18:10   #6
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Aux is good

me2 an aux 4-stroke that can suck petrol from the same tank as the main..
It has saved me a few times...
...and it's a _very_ good idea to start and run the aux a few NM every now and then to make sure it works when you eventually need it..
Just stating the bleeding obvious, that's all I do really ..;-)

Janne A.
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Old 07 December 2003, 22:13   #7
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I was going to make 2 points but Houser beat me to it (them?). Good idea to ensure the fuel connectors are the same on both engines so you can disconnect from the main engine and run the aux off your main tank.

Except of course when the main engine failed cos of fuel problems. Then its a good idea to have an aux with its own tank.

Either way go for 4 stroke.

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Old 08 December 2003, 09:34   #8
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auxiliary engine

I am currently on my second back up motor after the first made a premature exit from my transom after the bracket failed!!

I am probably the most paranoid owner afloat and everything that can be is backed up on my rib including the outboard.
Due to transom width (be careful) the max size I could fit was a 4hp or 3.3 so because of the transon weight restriction a little merc 3.3 now lives there and has to its credit helped me out on 3
occasions. also useful when I go up faversham creek as the leg is not as deep in the water as the larger main engine.

It gets started and run every other time out and was serviced even though very few hours on it.

somebody wrote on a thread here once that the good rule of thumb is 1 hp for every meter but by that rule my 3.3 is way too small. I know it will not really make large speed contributions to my boat but I am happy with 3.0 to 6.2 knots which is what I get.

lastly check the main motor does not thump it when you turn !!

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