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Old 10 April 2009, 19:42   #1
Country: UK - England
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Bleeding Automix oil system on 2 strokes

Can anyone give me any pointers on bleeding the automix system on my tohatsu 70? In the manual it just says unscrew the screw on the oil pump until you see no more air in the pipes. My pipes are no longer see through so I can't tell if there is air in there!

I had to drain the tank and take the the oil/fuel system off the block to sort out my snapped bolts. As a result of re-filling the tank there is probably air trapped in the pipe leading from the oil tank to the filter holder. Should I be leaving the bleed screw open for a while to allow any air bubbles to move around the system (will they move past the filter?) and then escape or is it something the engine will just cope with and after a while the air bubbles will have worked their way out anyway?

Any pointers appreciated.

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Old 10 April 2009, 20:20   #2
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Originally Posted by slimtim View Post
Can anyone give me any pointers on bleeding the automix system on my tohatsu 70? In the manual it just says unscrew the screw on the oil pump until you see no more air in the pipes. My pipes are no longer see through so I can't tell if there is air in there!

I had to drain the tank and take the the oil/fuel system off the block to sort out my snapped bolts. As a result of re-filling the tank there is probably air trapped in the pipe leading from the oil tank to the filter holder. Should I be leaving the bleed screw open for a while to allow any air bubbles to move around the system (will they move past the filter?) and then escape or is it something the engine will just cope with and after a while the air bubbles will have worked their way out anyway?

Any pointers appreciated.

Either change the pipes or run it on 50:1 premix 'til you're sure the autolube is working after you've bled it by seeing the level going down.
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