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Old 20 April 2005, 19:59   #1
Country: UK - England
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carb clean and cooling water?

Hi all
thought i'd "kill two birds" as they say:
firstly : is there a product that you can spray/put into the carbs to clean them? i seem to remember that there was a thread on this, but can't find it?
I (think i ) have a blocked carb as the engine is very sluggish to get upto revs but will pick up after 100m or so? i don't want to take them apart just yet.
if there is a product whats it called and where can i get it?

Secondly the same engine has a very strong tell tale of cooling water that is quite hot that sprays out with quite a bit of force.. there is plenty of water coming out of the exhaust port is this a possible problem??
I have twins so can compare two engines and the other one has a weak stream by comparison. they're 1994 suzuki DT 65's oil injected 2 strokes.

thanks in advance
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Old 20 April 2005, 20:23   #2
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I think you're looking for good old 'carb cleaner'. Imaginative name eh! Would imagine you could get it from Halfords or a motor factor.
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Old 21 April 2005, 13:46   #3
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Originally Posted by behavin
I (think i ) have a blocked carb as the engine is very sluggish to get upto revs but will pick up after 100m or so? i don't want to take them apart just yet.
Would be worth checking your plugs as well. I had a similar problem which turned out to be a plug problem. Would idle lumpy and be hesitant until the revs picked up, then would be fine. Let it idle for a bit and it would start going lumpy again.

It is not usually a big job to pull the carbs apart and blast them out with an airline. If you have no airline then a tin of Kenair is available from most camera shops as the next best. Carb cleaner removes varnish and gum from the working bits but cannot shift salt deposits, grit, dust and just about anything organic including sh*t.

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Old 21 April 2005, 18:32   #4
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Originally Posted by behavin
Hi all
thought i'd "kill two birds" as they say:
firstly : is there a product that you can spray/put into the carbs to clean them? i seem to remember that there was a thread on this, but can't find it?
I (think i ) have a blocked carb as the engine is very sluggish to get upto revs but will pick up after 100m or so? i don't want to take them apart just yet.
I'm affraid you'll have to take 'em apart. By spraying carb cleaner down the carbs,all you are doing is blowing through the airways, and it'll be the fuel galleries that are blocked. The only way will be to stip them.

Originally Posted by behavin
Secondly the same engine has a very strong tell tale of cooling water that is quite hot that sprays out with quite a bit of force.. there is plenty of water coming out of the exhaust port is this a possible problem??
I have twins so can compare two engines and the other one has a weak stream by comparison. they're 1994 suzuki DT 65's oil injected 2 strokes.
Check the Thermostat. If it is stuck open then you will get lots of water from the tell tale and out of the exhaust. The thermostat could also be stuck shut on the other engine, hence the weaker tell tale. The water will be warm/hot when it comes from tell tale on the Suzuki because it comes out after circulating the block, rather than before.

Brixham BSAC
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Old 21 April 2005, 20:04   #5
Country: UK - England
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cheers chaps for the responses:
The plugs are new this year but i suppose there may be a duff one ?
I gave it a good run yesterday and then used it today and the engine revs where a lot better. Its probably the winter blues coming out

cheers tue i'll have a look at the thermostats and see if they are stuck.
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Old 19 May 2005, 19:57   #6
Country: UK - England
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Hummmm...........just thought i'd come clean on the above cooling water problem.
after one weekend of reduced revs i decided that time to have a good root through the possible problems:
fuel and carbs were fine
took out the bottom cylinder plug.....AARRGGHHH water in the cylinder..
the head gasket has failed around the bottom pot.
Lucklily i hope i've caught it in time and its in the hands with spares ready of a marine engineer.
I followed advise of two outboard engineers and filled the pot with oil and turned it over a few times to stop the water getting down to the crank.
He seems content that no more stripping is needed so hopefully it'll be running again next week.
Ones thing for sure the other one will have its gasket done next winter for sure.
here's hoping
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