Just before our hols bought a new Solas prop for our Mariner 15 2-stroke. Despite being the correct replacement it looked a little different but the supplier assured me "they are all like that now". Fitted it and carried old (decent condition) prop as a spare in case any Scottish rocks were encountered.
On the first trip out our Zodiac 360 Fastroller (correctly up to pressure) really didn't want to plane with the prop cavitating. When it was finally nursed onto the plane it would cavitate and drop off the plane very easily.
Fiddled about with outboard trim and weight distribution but no real improvement.
So wondered about the prop and swapped the original one back on.... problem sorted.
Looking at the two props side by side the Solas seems to have a larger blade area of a different shape. Most noticeable is that the Mariner prop blade leading root rises smoothly from the boss at a shallow angle but the Solas is almost a right angle.
Note: Solas on the right.

fenlander2 at 2011-08-30

fenlander2 at 2011-08-30
To my amateur eye the Solas looks more like a displacement design. Anyone experienced similar problems?