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Old 11 July 2011, 07:01   #1
Country: Belgium
Make: Osprey
Length: 7m +
Engine: 250 HP E-Tec
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 258
changing anodes E-tec 250


Our boat is currently stored in a location with no evinrude dealer/mechanic in the near region. I noticed that the anode at the gearcase might have to be replaced. Is this something that I could easily do myself?

While replacing this anode I'm also considering replacing the stern bracket anode.

I know that there are other anodes (e.g. bearing housing anode) on this engine but these are probably harder to replace. The plan is to have these replaced/ checked next time we go for maintenance (within 100h or next year at the latest).

Thanks for the feedback!
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Old 11 July 2011, 14:06   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
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I'm no expert on Etecs, but normally the gearcase anode is held in with a screw under a cover on the top of the back of the "lump" above the cav. plate. If it's been serviced recently it should come out with little or no hassle, as that screw is usually one of a few that holds the gearbox onto the bottom of the leg.

One tip - before loosening the screw, mark the case at the fin with a pencil so that the new one goes in at exactly the same angle, otherwise you will be adjusting it for the next 6 outings!

One on the bottom of the clamps is usually two screws vertically up. The fun starts if you shear the heads, so don't be too enthusiastic to start with! Your manual should say what feature on that one will either dissapear or appear from under the zinc as a "change now" indicator.
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Old 12 July 2011, 08:23   #3
Country: Belgium
Make: Osprey
Length: 7m +
Engine: 250 HP E-Tec
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 258
thank you for your comment 9D280. I'll have a look at the anode to see if there is a kind of indicator.
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