24 March 2009, 20:07
Country: UK - England
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Changing Prop - advice please
Another step in my outboard learning curve. Changing the prop.
Gota second hand Solas stainless steel prop coming tomorrow. I'm made up as I'm nearly at the end of the jobs I wanted to do to the searider and Yam.
Never done a prop change in my life so could do with taping into your knowledge please. What grease to use and things like that.
Also were can I buy a new bush? Doon't know if I'll need one but would like to fit new in any case.
24 March 2009, 20:22
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On the outboards I've used you've had the following:
A castlenut with split/cotter pin through, this will need removing. You may have a washer behind the castle nut?
The prop will now (should) slide off.
Behind the prop will be you thrust washers etc.
Make sure these don't stick to the prop and drop off!
Get some paper and lay everything out so it goes back on correctly. See if you can get a drawing of how it should be assembled in case some half wit put it back together wrong last time!
I use Quicksilvers marine grease its a whitish colour, the RNLI use the blue marine grease but it sticks to bloody everything!
24 March 2009, 21:19
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There should be an extra shim about 10mm on the Yam 115 prop. It's actually inside the centre of the prop and you'll know it when you see it.
If you don't need the shim on the new prop, don't lose it as most props will need it.
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25 March 2009, 16:31
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for the info lads
26 March 2009, 07:26
Country: UK - England
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I've read the bush that comes with Solas props aren't to clever and can fail? Any ideas' were I can buy a new bush?
And will marine grade wheel bearing grease ok to use?
26 March 2009, 07:50
Country: UK - England
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That grease should be fine.
The bush is part of the prop and can't be changed at home. You'll beed to send it away and get it rebushed.
I think we used stainless Solas props on the Atlantis and never had any trouble with bushes.
26 March 2009, 09:40
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Phill,
from what I can gather from past threads on here they seem to fail on 200hp+ engines. Don't know how true that is or maybe one or two people have had a bad experience.
Prop didn't turn up yesterday so should come today all being well. Will have a gander at it then. Anything to look out for besides dings to the prop edge?
26 March 2009, 10:29
Country: UK - England
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Is it used?
If so dings, bent blades, badly attempted repairs or if someone has had it repitched badly so its neither one pitch nor another. Electrolytic corrosion, ie pitting on the prop.
26 March 2009, 10:33
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by chewy
Is it used?
If so dings, bent blades, badly attempted repairs or if someone has had it repitched badly so its neither one pitch nor another. Electrolytic corrosion, ie pitting on the prop.
Yeah it's used but got some high rez photos' sent to me before buying. All looks mint but ya never can tell until ya get ya mits on it.
26 March 2009, 15:58
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The bushing is essentially a shaped hunk of rubber with the spline adaptor inside. It is pressed into the prop using a very large hydraulic press. Not a DIY job (unless, I suppose, you have a large hydraulic press in your garage...)
For Yamahas, the order (at least, mine is) is thrust washer, prop, spacer (heavy stainless splined washer), flat washer, castle nut, cotter pin.
Note: Get true stainless cotter pins from a chandler. Hardware store pins will corrode and disappear after a couple of months. It's worth the extra few cents to keep teh prop on the motor, IMO.
Pretty much any kind of waterproof grease will work; all you're trying to do is keep sea water from depositing salt in the splines between the prop and the shaft (which makes things rather difficult to remove - ask Mr. Walker.)
26 March 2009, 16:21
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Originally Posted by jyasaki
The bushing is essentially a shaped hunk of rubber with the spline adaptor inside. It is pressed into the prop using a very large hydraulic press. Not a DIY job (unless, I suppose, you have a large hydraulic press in your garage...)
For Yamahas, the order (at least, mine is) is thrust washer, prop, spacer (heavy stainless splined washer), flat washer, castle nut, cotter pin.
Note: Get true stainless cotter pins from a chandler. Hardware store pins will corrode and disappear after a couple of months. It's worth the extra few cents to keep teh prop on the motor, IMO.
Pretty much any kind of waterproof grease will work; all you're trying to do is keep sea water from depositing salt in the splines between the prop and the shaft (which makes things rather difficult to remove - ask Mr. Walker.)
Cheers JKY.
I haven't heard of cutter pins before but I'm guessing they are shear pins over here?
26 March 2009, 16:38
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Assembly should look something like this, the cotter pin or split pin is No. 4 in diagram.
26 March 2009, 17:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by kwil
Assembly should look something like this, the cotter pin or split pin is No. 4 in diagram.
Ahh split pin, cheers Keith for the diagram
07 April 2009, 08:57
Country: UK - England
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Went to fit the prop yesterday. It was sold to me as the right prop for my engine but doesn't fit.
In keiths diagram there wasn't a Number 1 on the shaft but the back plate (?) is further back on my old prop than it is on this stainless one. So the prop sits too far back so you can't tighten the castle nut on to it as the splines on the shaft are just proud. So have I been told porkies or is there something missing?
Some photos' (taken with a camera phone so sorry for the poor detail)
07 April 2009, 11:44
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If memory serves me correctly, SOLAS props fit a wide range of different manufactures engines. So you first select the correct number of splines to fit the shaft, which seems to be ok in your case as it will go on, then you get a fixing kit which includes the parts 1,2,3 & 4 to suit the engine you are putting the propeller on. You can buy the fixing kits seperatly from http://www.steeldevelopments.net/erol.html You will need the prop part No. and engine details.
07 April 2009, 12:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by kwil
If memory serves me correctly, SOLAS props fit a wide range of different manufactures engines. So you first select the correct number of splines to fit the shaft, which seems to be ok in your case as it will go on, then you get a fixing kit which includes the parts 1,2,3 & 4 to suit the engine you are putting the propeller on. You can buy the fixing kits seperatly from http://www.steeldevelopments.net/erol.html You will need the prop part No. and engine details.
Thanks Keith. Only numbers on the prop are D13¼ x 19 but I've contacted Steeldevelopments so hopefully will hear back.
07 April 2009, 14:34
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Is that a flow-torque hub I can see on your old prop? basically these are square rubber drive type bush that the spline part fits into they act as a shock absorber...  Your new stainless prop defo dont have this system.
By the way I have an as new flow torque hub to suit Merc engine and vengance prop's, see pic. PM me if anybody is intersted.
life's full of ups "n" downs.
07 April 2009, 15:23
Country: UK - England
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Haven't got a clue. Looks like it's part of the old prop.
Wail I wait on Steel developments to get back to me. Does anyone know of a system besides there's? Any kind of spacer?
07 April 2009, 16:02
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Originally Posted by JSP
Went to fit the prop yesterday. It was sold to me as the right prop for my engine but doesn't fit.
Make sure you have the thrust washer installed (usually brass, it's a highly machined washer type thing that hits the tapered part of the prop shaft) or you risk damage to the prop shaft. It may be stuck to the old prop.
In your second pic, there appears to be a splined spacer (the last thing on the shaft as it sits in the photo.) If so, move that to the new prop.
Several companies make hardware kits for mounting props. They usually include everything back of the prop (i.e. they don't include the thrust washer.) Might be worth looking into, especially if you need the spacer (referred to in my second paragraph.) The thrust washer can be purchased separately
07 April 2009, 16:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by jyasaki
Make sure you have the thrust washer installed (usually brass, it's a highly machined washer type thing that hits the tapered part of the prop shaft) or you risk damage to the prop shaft. It may be stuck to the old prop.
In your second pic, there appears to be a splined spacer (the last thing on the shaft as it sits in the photo.) If so, move that to the new prop.
Several companies make hardware kits for mounting props. They usually include everything back of the prop (i.e. they don't include the thrust washer.) Might be worth looking into, especially if you need the spacer (referred to in my second paragraph.) The thrust washer can be purchased separately
That's again Jky. I've just thought, I know it's hard to tell by the out of focus photo. But do you think that could be the thrust washer stuck onto my old prop? The photos' show it as very dark but I remember it to be a brass colour to the back of the old prop. Maybe what I thought was one piece is in fact, as you say. The thrust washer stuck on?
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