Well the Chinese clone now at two and a bit years young has now completed its second full season so probably time for a bit of an update.
Not seen quite as much use this year with around thirty hours and just over a hundred hours total as now competing with our new to us Yamaha 15. It has seen service on the Elling, Kolibri SeaCat, Aerotec and Cruiser 380 this year with back to back testing alongside the Yamaha. We’ve also changed our rib for a hard hull this year, so the sibs have reluctantly taken a back seat some days.
So how’s it faired. Well it’s still running faultlessly with performance indistinguishable from its blueprint Yamaha….actually pulls consistently about 50 or so more revs than the Yam on the same 11” props. No mechanical issues, starts first pull (usually) from cold and a lazy half pull warm. Service wise just plugs out, gap set and cleaned, grease points greased, gear oil changed and new fibre washers. No special treatment as such but still looked after and washed/flushed after each use, as are all our motors. Paintwork looking surprisingly good considering exclusively saltwater use with no corrosion evident on leg and virtually non under the hood. Perhaps minor corrosion just visible where engine block bolts to lower unit in the bottom of the engine tray. Also very light salty deposit/corrosion (wipes off) adjacent head/thermostat gasket area. The faint blooming to the paint noticed on the lower leg after use in the first season seems to not occur at all now.
So still continue to be impressed with the clone.