Did the winterizing of the engine this week. Before starting(or trying to) the engine had fresh fuel, and fully charged battery. All the normal procedures , air went open, priming the bulb and so on. I also put the power on in good time before( have heard that the the auto choke in this specific engine works better if electricity is switched on in good time before turning the key). It was cold outside, like +2 C, but this is not a limit for most engines.
Starter spinning with good speed, nothing... several attempt, nothing. Can smell fuel so that is moving. A few brakes between and testing also to use the idle controll, nothing.
Then made a attempt spinning the starter for a loooong time, a few promises. Another long spin then it started, very rough but started anyway. I remember last year same issue, seams to be very though engine to get going in cold.
In summer, no such issues and when warm only showing the key is enough
Did not test the red emergency switch, should have I guess. Idle was first 1300-1400 but after warming up dropped to normal so the auto choke is functional in that respect..
Is it only mine or is it typical that they are not the easiest to get running when cold outside?