30 October 2003, 22:58
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
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Re: Its down to who you listen to
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Unfortunatly its down to who you listen to.
Unfortunately I've had to find out the hard way by using my boats and dealing with the problems as they arise rather than listen to hearsay about what other people think. I can tell you all about dealing with a secondhand jet. What can CH tell us from firsthand experience rather than hearsay. It'll be nice to see if his ideas change when he actually starts dealing with the practicality's of running a boat instead of dreaming about it.
As for a weight penalty, has JW totted up the weight of all his compression joints in the fuel system
Ive never been a master marina but I keep my boats in one
If its not a CAT it must be a dog
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
30 October 2003, 23:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Dont get the hump wavehumper
Stuart,You can only learn from others as your own experiance will always be very small in the world of boats and ribs.
I dont need to own a yanmar to know about there leg problems and head problems,I dont need to own a cat jet drive unit to know about the power losses with a jet and there costs and weight as I have reserched it before making my decisions as I have actualy spent my own money.
When you spend your own money on a new boat you learn from others who have themselves made mstakes as its impossible to own every boat/engine in the market place,So you then can have a oppinion on it ,based on others experiance and your own,as only you can judge weather the guy your talking to knows his onions or not.
Wavehumper I am sorry but you see things from your own experiance which is very small in the world of ribs or boats in my oppinon as I believe you dont even own the second hand Cat rib your talkng about but own half.
From what I have seen,You pootle round the Solent,with things That need fixing off every boat I have seen.
Sorry mate,your too risky to lsten to if your serious about spending in exess of 30 k on your own boat and engine.
You have said about KAD 300 problems with head gaskets and pistons ect and there problems can you point me in this direction or again is this just something you have read about or hearsay?.
You will be telling us next about all you Nautical experiance gained on the solent,but we both know its down to how you nterpret situations on the sea that gve you experiance.
Lets not fall out though as your a real good laugh in the flesh.
30 October 2003, 23:40
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Re: Dont get the hump wavehumper
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Lets not fall out though as your a real good laugh in the flesh.
CH I try not to fall out with anybody but can you tell me exactly what experience you have of running a rib or in any fast planing boat whether bits are falling off or not. Come on. Tell us exactly what you've done apart from living off other peoples experience.
Tell us about your sailing boat
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 00:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Dont get the hump
For a lot longer than you have Wavehumper me old sea dog and done a lot more interesting sea miles,but as we know you can be anything you want to be on hear cant you stuart.?
I have owned 5 fast plainning boats in my time,over 20 yrs but learnt to navigate best when I used my offshore yacht that I had for aprox 15 yrs. and I finished fitted it out myself.
But there are those who think they know it all like you stuart and is ballocks ,sorry mate.
Just cos you have three secondhand ribs around you ,it means naff all to me.
Unless you spend your own hard erned cash on a boat you can only dream about what you will buy if you have the money.It can change when you actualy you get the money and then actualy spend it.
Anyway where is all this info on Kad 300 being naff you said,that the important thing for me,as I have one that I paid for  ?
31 October 2003, 00:15
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
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Posts: 888
Re: Dont get the hump
Originally posted by crazyhorse
I have owned 5 fast plainning boats in my time,over 20 yrs
Names Dates and places (and pics if possible)of these boats please. I do know that you claimed to have cabined a Humber and re-engined an Atlantic 21 in RIB International. Have you anything to back up these claims. (photos)
ps. zapcats and sibs dont count
PS Are you sure your investment in Carswell is safe. I've heard that they're on a bit of shaky ground. and that they are going to concentrate on their core business which is making garden furniture.
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 00:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Stuart I havent claimed to of put a Cabin on a Humber at all .I have claimed to have considerd putting a cabin on a humber hull,but when they said I would have no warrenties on there boat hull decided against it and then also had a seriouse look at the cost.
As far as re engining an Atlantic 21 goes this was something I have also considerd doing afer getting the option on one, but after looking at The engine bed costs and the insurance implications I also turned this project down as I had checked out the insurance implications and they were being difficult and both these projects would loose serious money.
Are you trying to say I am a liar?
All this Zapcats and sibs dont count ?.
I have given my oppinion on your experiance and its limitations thats all,lets not fall out,If you think I am going to sit hear giving you dates ect, of all the boats I have owned and what I did with them over the last 20 yrs then dream on wanker.
31 October 2003, 00:43
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: Hebridean
Make: Redbay
Length: 8.4m
Engine: Yanmar 315HP
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 36
....so a KAD300 it is then!
31 October 2003, 00:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
If your seriously going 8.5 mtr and you want twin then I would consider the new volkswagon diesels as the tDi is a brill engine.
I own one. not marinised yet though
Do you need to go twin?
Stuart you are such a real plonker as Carswell are not on shaky ground and dont make garden furniture you complete knobb.
31 October 2003, 00:58
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: Hebridean
Make: Redbay
Length: 8.4m
Engine: Yanmar 315HP
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 36
No, it's much more likely just to be the one. I wish BMW would marinise their diesels cos they are amazing. However, that ain't going to happen so a KAD300 with duoprop drive looks like the best bet.
31 October 2003, 01:07
Country: UK - England
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Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
The problem is weight for the new B6The hp will be uped in the next few yrs in HP and then it will be serius contender,But the word on the street is yanmar are going electronic with a new leg and cummins marcruiser will also be in the frame with Yamaha also going electronic,so its a dificult time around 300 hp at the present time.
I beleive that in the next few months we will see something with a new leg around 375 hp in the next few months.So maybe hang on if you can.?
Good luck
31 October 2003, 01:11
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Are you trying to say I am a liar?
No but Rib International is if your claims are correct. Maybe it was bad editing because it came over as though you had carried out these operations as opposed to just thinking about them. Apart from your dreams and the occasional sail in your yacht i repeat my request for your experience of planing boats because according to your reply to (march 9th at 1603) Jon fuller on the Volvo engine for Crazyhorse thread, you admitted to having no experience of planing boats. Are you another manos?
Take a look Here
I am surprised, considering your investment and considerable research in Carswell, that you do not know that their core business is in aluminium garden furniture. I do find that your use of abusive names such as nobb and wanker demonstrates the fact that you are on the defensive.
Good luck
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 01:13
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: Hebridean
Make: Redbay
Length: 8.4m
Engine: Yanmar 315HP
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 36
thats what i thought. I don't know how long i can hang on  . If i do the engine i pick must be around 500-600kg, as there will be no time to strengthen the hull for a heavier motor. If yamaha do bring out a new electronic diesel, i'll pounce on it. Where did you here about this?
31 October 2003, 01:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Stuart They dont make and never have made garden furniture,they make aluminium ribs and police boats in aluminium.
My Experiance of plaining boats Stuart is hopefully more than yours ,but i dont realy care as you can tell fibs about your experiance and nobody can tell till you end up in the drink or do someting crazy and put otheres at risk.
If it makes you happy your a very experianced riber who knows the sea and all it ways.Are you happy know.
Speak to Carswell about there garden furniture if you want just dont waste my time as I am trying to help somebody who is obviously going through the dificulties of working out what is the best and important decision he can make with regards engines.
I have heard it on the trade grape vine as all the engine makers are now having to consider electronicks as being the future with emisions laws ect.
I would speak to Yamaha and see if they will tell you anything officialy,I heard about some testing in the states of the Cummins/Mercruiser combo unit and Cummins UK comfirmed the 370 hp engine has electronic fuel cooling but the 320Hp doesnt yet,This was early last yr ? .
A forum member in the states who believed he had seen a leg on test it in Florida from Cummins mercruser .But it wasnt officile.
I heard about the B6 early last yr but heard it was planned to be able to go up to 375hp this was well before any official anouncment.
Its a bad time for buying an engine as its so difficult to now whats happening in the long term and none of us want to splash all that money out and find out we just been superseeded.
But hay it happens and what the hell,You have to jump in at some time and there will always be something better round the corner but at least your doing it .
Time for bedebows.
Tara and good luck.
31 October 2003, 02:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Beuty sleep
Stuart I have as much experiance of plaining boats as the averge man.I have owned three speed boats 2 ribs and 3 sibs. 2 dinghys and one offshore yacht,But wouldnt say I am a expert on plaining boats nor are you for sure.If I need an expert for advice on a paticular aspect and its important then I will ask one and listen to them .
This unfortunatly precludes you Stuart,but dont Take it to hart,I am sure you wouldnt ask me either.
Must go as its bedy bows and I need my beauty sleep.
31 October 2003, 02:06
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
"My experience of planing boats Stuart is hopefully more than yours"!!!!
Originally posted by crazyhorse
None but I do know people who have the experience and I listen and get proffesional advice if I think it is needed,
I am confused!!!
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 02:13
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Still waiting!! Look here
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 02:40
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Well, i've waited and waited but obviously there are some questions that cant be answered without a serious loss of credibility. I think I'll just go and enjoy my new ali garden lights
ni ni
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 09:26
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: WIZARD
Make: REDBAY 7.4
Length: 7m +
Engine: OPTI 225
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Posts: 417
Hi Redbay rover, I have seen 2, 8.4 redbays with the yanmars in them with the bravo 3x drive, and both owners say that they are delighted with them, As Volvo goes, they loose about 35hp to the yanmar.......
The yamaha 240 and the yanmar 300 are the same block, in fact its the same block used by Toyota also, its a Yamaha designed engine, which is built under licence buy different engine companies, ie yanmar, toyota, lugger, kaboto etc ........... the problem is the legs taking the power....
Bravo legs are avalable to anyone, but volvo legs arent sold to anyone else, they are the best. The new X legs by mercruser seem to be better and more reliable the the older ones, but I am sure they have problems too
I think Yamaha will launch a new 350 or 375 based on the 4.2 current block, but the leg is the problem...... Alan Priddy went through 2 on his trip....
IN my view I would go Yanamar, because 1. the engines are more common and easy to find parts for..... 2. Mercruser legs are in the US and secondhand and new parts are handyer to get..... 3. less coplacted that superchargers and turbos.... ie remote part of scotland your average tractor mechanic could fix the engine......4. more power .........
31 October 2003, 11:07
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Tim; you mentioned that AP went through two Hydradrives on his trip, wasn't one of these incidents a collision with an underwater object which physically broke the drive.
If that is the case then only one unit failed, and as his trip was quite a big one then maybe the failure rate becomes a little more respectable.
Also if Volvo legs are not used on anything other than a Volvo, who says that the outdrives are the best.....Volvo owners? and in which case is that an objective or a subjective opinion by those owners or Volvo agents/mechanics.
For the record I wouldn't put a Cat into a Rib unless purely for commercial reasons. i.e big low revving lumps that will work all year round. Our engine is a 12.4 litre V8 that redlines at 3 K and produces 440hp and weighs 1.5 tonnes plus. I was just looking for a hungry mackeral at the time when I said that Redbay should put a Cat in his Rib.
I meet a lot of boat people out on the water and I tend to talk to them and I do know there is a lot more happier Yan/Yam owners out there that Volvo's owners. Given this there is a guy who post as Seafariskye who swears by ovlov's he runs his boat every day and he makes a living with em in the cold bits of the country
If it was my boat then I would follow your conclusions and buy a Yanamar or even a Yamhar with the legs you reccomend. Don't forget the shower unit though if you are putting a 3x leg on.
Gaelforce I hope you have been entertained by this thread!
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
31 October 2003, 12:04
Country: UK - England
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Make: Solent 6.5
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MMSI: soon !
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"Gaelforce I hope you have been entertained by this thread!"
I certainly have I see the 2 of you where up in the early hours locking Horns.
Much better than watching paint dry - keep it up
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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