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Old 19 April 2007, 14:33   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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control cable fitting

Being very new to Outboard engines I was wondering if some one could help me please.

I have just purchased a new control cable for my Yamaha 55hp. I can fit them fine as shown in the photograph its just a couple of plastic clips, However for the life of me I cannot set the thing up right, ie throttle adjust ment in relation to gear selection, when I push the throttle control forwarders , it just does not seem to have enough movement/play to go into gear.

I have tried adjusting the cables but just don,t seem to be able to get it right, last time I thought I had it right I pulled back on the leaver to pull away from the slip and just about shot forward right up it

Is there some sort of secret to his or is it just hours of trial and error.

Many thanks in advance


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Old 19 April 2007, 21:15   #2
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You pulled back on the lever and the boat went forwards?
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Old 19 April 2007, 21:49   #3
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Have you swapped the gear and throttle cables over by accident?
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Old 19 April 2007, 21:51   #4
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Originally Posted by bootneck81 View Post
...I have tried adjusting the cables but just don,t seem to be able to get it right, last time I thought I had it right I pulled back on the leaver to pull away from the slip and just about shot forward right up it

Is there some sort of secret to his or is it just hours of trial and error.
Can't be that tricky - I managed it

Suggest you take the cables off both the engine. Check you know which control on the engine is which (throttle and gear).

Put the gear control in neutral, put the throttle control "closed".

Check which cable is which (lifting fast idle leaver should move only the throttle).

Adjust the end fitting on the throttle cable so it looks like it should fit. If this is "tight" then ajust the fitting on the other end of the cable to give you more scope. Clip it on.

I would then check the throttle cable does what you expect (with the fast idle leaver) and the engine on muffs if not in water. i.e. it ticks over "normally" when at tickover and revs faster when you lift the leaver.

repeat the process with gear cable. you should feel the gears engaging/disengaging with the engine off.

if that has all gone to plan then tighten the lock nuts.

now it is time to give it a try... take it gently with nothing in front or behind first of all. Check the fast idle again. Then with the engine in idle engage a gear check to see prop turning in water - disengage - check to see it is in not turning. repeat with other gear. do this a few times

(I suspect what you did was have something wrong with the gear selector setting so you were stuck in forward - First time I tried this I has set the gear cable a little too tight so it wasn't disengaging properly - natural reaction was to try revving in reverse to stop - it had a similar effect to you described).

if it needs ajustment it should be simple enough - and be pretty small.

take it easy and don't use the revs till you are sure the gears are right.

hope that helps.
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Old 20 April 2007, 09:38   #5
Country: UK - Scotland
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Thanks Polwart, I was sure it was that simple, but with these things you never do know. I asked the question as when I asked the previous owner of the boat he said he had, had it set up by a boatyard on the mainland as it was difficult to set up and needed to be balanced. You live and learn.

Many thanks for putting it straight in my mind. Will get back at it today.

Thanks again

Outer Hebrides, I would ask one of the local fishermen, but ford cortina engines and lister diesels work differently
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