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Old 22 July 2010, 20:46   #1
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Llantwit Major
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 8
Converting tiller to remotes

I have just bought a 1984 Yamaha 40HP 3 cyclinder 2 stroke (mint condition, just had it serviced, runs like a dream), Im fitting it to my 14ft open dory which had a Yamaha 9.9HP 4 stroke on it controlled by remotes.

My question is, can I utilise the existing remotes? (do I need some sort of conversion kit?), secondly, how do I reconnect the tiller & cables back on to my Yamaha 9.9HP, Im wondering if there are already conversion parts on the 9.9HP that I need to transfer to the 40HP, all a bit confusing!!

Im quite keen to do this work myself, any advice, drawings, pictures, greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Old 23 July 2010, 10:46   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
I assume the 9.9 was manual start, as is the 40? if so, it should be a relatively easy swap.

The relative ages of the engines might casue the only problem - namely connecting the deadman, as the electrical plugs may be different.

As for the throttle / gears, Again the relative ages of the two engines may cause a problem, but then again may just drop straight in. As they are both Yams, unless the 9.9 is really new or really old, chances are the end fittings will be the same. One way to check compatibility is look at the Teleflex or Ultraflex website at the cable ends kits. They tell you what engines the various ones fit. Hopefully both your engines will be covered by the same one!

Cable travel is pretty standard for most engines post about 1975. I've run a Merc off a Yam control, ad a Yam off a Tohatsu remotes simply by changing the end fittings on the cables.

Can you take a couple of pics of the two engines? That will help us to identify potential problems.
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