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Old 25 July 2015, 18:21   #1
pilotwillie's Avatar
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Correct length of new control cable ?

Want to replace my existing old control cables with new 'super smooth' ones (see other thread). I've removed one and it measures 17'4" flat out tip to tip.

Could I get away with a new length of 17' or do I need to upsize to 18' which is what most of the generic info I can find says ?

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Old 25 July 2015, 21:54   #2
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It depends! Probably the old one wasn't 17'4" anyway - having recently replaced some I think I concluded they weren't measured tip-to-tip (perhaps the length of the "outer" part only?). However when I took it to Ferry Marine to match up they pointed out the code on the "jacket" and that this can be "translated" into a length.

That said, if the size is right it depends on how tight the old ones were and if you want to follow the exact same route. If they are totally too short you are stuffed. If they are a bit too short you won't get them to sit nicely round the radius and will "spring" off the deck and get in the way. If they are too long they will still work but be a bit ugly and possibly stiffer (by bending more).

Personally I didn't notice the difference between standard and super smooth except on my credit card!
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Old 25 July 2015, 23:04   #3
pilotwillie's Avatar
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Cheers. No matter what I measured, tip to tip or outer sheath etc. nothing seemed to match the 1ft increments that are sold. There isn't any cable markings / code either.

The current length has a fair bit of excess to give a nice easy bend prior to entering the outboard, which seems right. Just wasn't sure about rounding the size up or down to match with what's sold.

Maybe just play it safe and round up.

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