26 September 2010, 13:54
Country: UK - England
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crunch time - Tohatsu / Etec
Have to decide tomorrow to keep the prices I have been quoted...
90hp Tohatsu or for £400 more 90hp Etec.
They weigh the same (more or less)
The Tohatsu is the 2010 90C TLDI, local dealer supply and fit - the Etec would mean a 300 mile round trip for the supply, there is a local dealer but very expensive pricing.
Really struggling with this decision, have looked at both motors and heard stuff about both makes, so want some last minute opinions from all on here.
For the same money my only other choice in my budget would be the Mariner 90 Opti - but its considerably heavier (the weight of an aux on the transom is the difference)...any opinions from those with experience of the motors in question and their reliability, gratefully received. Probably only using the boat 2 days a month.
thanks all
26 September 2010, 15:30
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Originally Posted by MustRib
90hp Tohatsu or for £400 more 90hp Etec.
I think you need to shop around for a better Tohatsu price but if you can only get a difference of £400, go with the ETEC.
26 September 2010, 16:25
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Well for what its worth I have owned a 90 ETEC for 4 years now and it has been ultra reliable with no issues whatsoever.
I have also worked commercially with 90 Tohatsu's and they had a favourite trick of blowing their Main Fuse at the most inconvenient moments.
I would always choose ETEC for the simple fact of reliability.
Take a look at www.etecownersgroup.com before you make your own mind up.
The others aren't called Twatsu's for nothing though.
If only everything in life was as easy as being naughty
26 September 2010, 18:56
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by DM
I think you need to shop around for a better Tohatsu price but if you can only get a difference of £400, go with the ETEC.
And that from a Tohatsu owner.
I think I have a really good price on the Etec, but one of the criticisms I have heard, is that their saltwater resistance isnt that good, stories of bolts seizing up... anyone Etec owners want to comment?
26 September 2010, 19:30
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I have an Etec 75HP which I belive is basicly the same engine and I love it.
It only just over one year old and so far (touch wood) its been a peach, My brother has a the 90 Etec he is very happy and a good pal has the 115 Etec and likewise.
The only bad thing I would say is the oil is damed expensive. but so far I love the engine.
Good luck which ever way you go.
26 September 2010, 21:52
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Originally Posted by Ribtecer
The only bad thing I would say is the oil is damed expensive.
Xd100 IS more expensive than ordinary TCW3 oil, but you can run etecs on ordinary oil if you wish, TCW3 is the default setting from the factory. If you have the engine set to use XD100, you must use XD100 exclusively. If you do decide to run XD100 you will use approximately 30% less oil which will just about make up for the extra cost of the oil. In addition you'll have no smoke, smell or carbon build up.
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26 September 2010, 23:30
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Two E-tecs owned and neither showed any sign of corrosion at the 2 year mark. Not heard of any particular issues with E-tec corrosion.
Just look after it and it will last.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
26 September 2010, 23:36
Country: UK - England
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thanks everyone...
any Tohatsu owners with good things to say?
27 September 2010, 00:38
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I have been the owner of three of the carbed 2 stroke twatsooooo's over the last 8yrs. In that time non of em ever gave me a problem. The new TLDI motors are said to be excellent.
life's full of ups "n" downs.
27 September 2010, 15:30
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Tohatsu owner.
Originally Posted by MustRib
thanks everyone...
any Tohatsu owners with good things to say?

Get the Tohatsu, Jap build quality and reliability are well known. I replaced a Mariner 4 stroke with one and have never regretted it.
27 September 2010, 21:34
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Pm sent
28 September 2010, 19:48
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Merlin
Make: RB4 Gemini 550
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Engine: Tohatsu 90C
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Posts: 1,080
thanks all....
have to say am leaning towards the Tohatsu, price difference with the fuel and accomodation plus fitting would be the price of a good aux motor for the boat.
Evinrude prices go up on 1st October, and Tohatsu finish their boat show offers then, so have anther 24 hours to decide.
28 September 2010, 20:25
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Originally Posted by MustRib
thanks all....
have to say am leaning towards the Tohatsu, price difference with the fuel and accomodation plus fitting would be the price of a good aux motor for the boat.
Evinrude prices go up on 1st October, and Tohatsu finish their boat show offers then, so have anther 24 hours to decide.

Are those like a DFS/MFI sale? i.e. you'll be able to get virtually identical deal next week - and its a ruse by the sales guy to pressure you to make a decision? Certainly for anyone who has one in stock already paid for, i'd think there would be scope to negotiate.
28 September 2010, 21:53
Country: UK - Scotland
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Dont the etecs have some super low servicing costs ? sorry to throw in another dimension  .. never owned one but I remember that being said
28 September 2010, 22:17
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Dont the etecs have some super low servicing costs ? sorry to throw in another dimension  .. never owned one but I remember that being said
1st service is 3 years or 300 hours. & then it's only plugs, impeller, fuel filter & gear oil. AND you can drive it like you stole it, straight out of the box.
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28 September 2010, 23:23
Country: UK - England
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Had no problems with my 90 tohatsu (new March this year), 5 year warranty as well.. only downside oil expensive same for the other as well though.
29 September 2010, 00:43
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Originally Posted by bingomike
Had no problems with my 90 tohatsu (new March this year), 5 year warranty as well.. only downside oil expensive same for the other as well though.
What flavour oil are you using?
29 September 2010, 08:57
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
1st service is 3 years or 300 hours. & then it's only plugs, impeller, fuel filter & gear oil. AND you can drive it like you stole it, straight out of the box.
 E- tec for me too!
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29 September 2010, 09:24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
What flavour oil are you using?
Quicksilver, about £60 for bottle 4 litres? poss 5?
Bottle lasts for about 250 litres of fuel, was the oil that is specced in the manual...
29 September 2010, 09:45
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Originally Posted by bingomike
Quicksilver, about £60 for bottle 4 litres? poss 5?
Bottle lasts for about 250 litres of fuel, was the oil that is specced in the manual...
Any reason for the Quicksilver? You can get 25 litres of Morris 2-stroke TCW3 for £98.52 plus vat.
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