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Old 12 December 2004, 09:02   #1
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Purely out of interest, i was wondering if anyone has any opinions or experience with the new range of Cummins Mercruiser diesel engines -

Theres been a lot of talk of late regarding Yanmars, the Merc 1.7, Volvo D3-D6's etc etc and no talk of the Cummins engines.

Is there any particular reason for this? Are they not suitable for RIBs for any reason? Are they unreliable or maybe just accidently been overlooked?

I would assume now though that the Mercruiser partnership will have basically turned the engines into standard Mercruisers rather than improving Cummins?

I believe that Cummins do have a good commercial reputation though so they may be worth considering if anybody out there is ordering a new diesel RIB!!
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Old 12 December 2004, 10:53   #2
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As far as I'm aware, the Cummings-Mercruiser collaboration has come about to try and create an OEM demand for Mercruiser Diesels. They are currently marketed by Barrus, who obviously favour the Yanmar range, and the demand for them has declined, except for the 1.7 package.

Cummings/Merc are currently signing up dealers for the New Year, and have said that they will only have one in each area, unlike the current Merc/Mercury/Yanmar fiasco.

All they need to do now is to develop a decent range of motors, which is hopefully where Cummings may prove usefull!
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Old 23 February 2005, 17:21   #3
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Cummins / Mercruiser

Hello there...Mercruiser / Cummins are superb working units right through from the 120 hp 1.7 to the new 320 hp. The other units you mention are also proven units and all have various features and benefits which are unique to each brand. As you rightly stated Barrus favour the Yanmar but I think you will find as with Mercury outboards the inboard ranges will really shine through in the UK in the Rib sector as they already dominate most other lesuire craft applications. Remember without doubt they are simply world leaders in the field of marine engines.Before you guys ask I have run Volvo for a few years too before moving to Mercury and Mercruiser.I guess its down to cost and profitabily of the Rib companys after all if they wanted the best they would all fit Mercury / Mercrusier
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Old 23 February 2005, 22:16   #4
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Cummins bought out VM deisels and they were used by Mercruiser in the 4/5/6 cylinder configuration , Cummins have also bought out a few other engine companies as well , one of these being Detroit.

Hope this helps.
Ian A
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