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Old 05 January 2002, 15:56   #1
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
Danger from Spurious Kill cords

To complement Alan McKewans recent warning on Life jacket mechanisms ,We were shocked recently with what we encountered with two spurious Yamaha Kill cords .

During the the last few weeks , while stopping off by boat at two seperate marinas around Ireland , I called into the shops for a chat and ( as you do ) bought a couple of knick knacks to be polite , including on each occasion a spare Yamaha Killcord which went into the kit boxes of two of my RIBs .

A few weeks later one of these cords failed where the cord doubles back and secures on itself under a metal clip . It happened while the cord was being pulled off the control box at the end of the day by an Instructor .

Obviously the metal clip had pinched the kill cord and cut into the plastic of the cord . We inspected all our other cords . They all appeared ok .

A few days later , the other cord was being stretched by one of my Instructors prior to clipping it around her leg when it snapped right in the middle . Again it would appear that the plastic of the cord had just failed with out warning or discolouration / fraying of any kind .

Each of these cords had been used no more than three times .

Bobby Killen of Killen Marine in Dublin is widely recognised as the Out Board Engine Guru here in Ireland and is also a Yamaha main dealer .

He tells me that the genuine Yamaha Kill cord has a tough string core which means that the outer plastic covering is for protection rather than strenght . The spurious ones are pure plastic with no central core so when they fail , they really fail. It also explains why they are stiffer / not as flexible to stretch .

I have now banned spurious Kill cords from all of my boats in both the School and the Army Boat Squad .

Best wishes ,

Stuart McNamara
Club Powerboat.ie
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Old 18 January 2002, 09:00   #2
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You heard it here first!


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Old 20 January 2002, 14:07   #3
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
Make: Several
Length: 6m +
Engine: Several
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
Hi John ,

Naturally I gave the Scoop to my RIB Net buddies First !

Best wishes ,

Stuart McNamara
Club Powerboat.ie
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