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Old 05 June 2008, 22:19   #1
Country: Canada
Town: Newmarket
Boat name: ELA
Length: 4m +
Engine: 20 Suzuki
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 157
dt 20hp idleing high

I have an older suzuki dt 20 the idleing is a little fast. I have only ran it once this year did about 4k on it but still high. I had about 5L of older gas with gas saver in it and added 10L of fresh stuff, the guy at the marina said it be Ok, he also said I shouldn't have to change my lower gear oil for I only ran it about 10-20hrs from when I bought it and it was just replaced when I bought it, (any thoughts). Wondering if there is an idleing screw or linkage I can adjust to bring it down maybe 200 up revs.
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Old 09 June 2008, 11:24   #2
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Yeah, there will be an idle adjust screw somewhere on the side of the carb(s). you're looing for a screw that probably has a spring between it's head and the thing it's fixed into (stops it vibratiing out when open throttle), which is hit by the throttle mechanism at "closed" position, but appears to do absolutely nothing when the throttle is opened.

I have tried getting into
but for some reason it won't let me see the pdf this morning. If you manage to download it (or the one for your MY of engine) look for the carb page, and one of the numbers should point to the "idle speed adjuster" or words to that effect.

Probably won't need more than about half a turn. If you can't find it or it doesn't work, post back and hopefully my Acrobat reader wil lhave woken up so I can be a bit more helpful.
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Old 09 June 2008, 17:50   #3
Country: Canada
Town: Newmarket
Boat name: ELA
Length: 4m +
Engine: 20 Suzuki
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 157

Thanks I'll try to down load it if not I'll look for the screw and turn it slowly and listen for change of revs. Thanks
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