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Old 05 October 2010, 10:57   #1
Country: Denmark
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e-tec 90hp battery cables

The engine is supplied with 124 inch cables. External diameter is 1 cm. I guess this is 25mm2 (AWG4) cables.

I need 5.7 m cables to reach my battery. Would 35 mm2 (AWG2) cables be required for this ?

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Evinrude recommends a +600 CCA battery for the 90hp.

Does that mean it drags up to 600 amps when starting ?
Or is it just to be on the safe side ?

I have a 450 CCA battery and it starts just fine (15 degress C).

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124 inch = 3,1492 meter .... very close to Pi.... i surpose some nerd had fun here ;-)
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Old 05 October 2010, 12:59   #2
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There's a lot on the etecowners group about batteries & cables, the general consensus is that relatively large batteries are specced due to the long cable runs compared to auto applications. The volt drop can be excessive if the battery isn't up to it, as the EMM needs 55v to fire up the ignition circuit on starting. It achieves this by stepping up the 12v electronically, if it doesnt get a good battery voltage, it can cause staring problems. Saying that I am using about 6m long 35mm battery cables to my 115s without problems, but I am also using Optima blue tops.
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