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Old 26 August 2006, 16:37   #1
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E-Tec or Opti 150?

I have read the thread for the 200 , I am just about to buy an Opti 150 as it is cheaper then the E-tec which is about 7.5k (unless anyone knows better) is there a lot of fuel difference? is one faster then the other ? service cost would be low on the E-tec as you leave it 3 years...

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Old 28 August 2006, 21:45   #2
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Stick with the opti, it will keep you happy and put a smile on your face everytime you push the throttle!!!
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Old 29 August 2006, 10:08   #3
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Yeah, why have a more economical engine with cheaper servicing, better sound (objective I will admit) when you could simply follow the herd!!!
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Old 29 August 2006, 12:40   #4
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Originally Posted by Lostboy
Yeah, why have a more economical engine with cheaper servicing, better sound (objective I will admit) when you could simply follow the herd!!!
From an E tec owner
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Old 29 August 2006, 13:16   #5
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Not yet, but if my older DI 115 is anything to go by, as well as my experience of the E-Tec on a mates Ballistic 6.5 then it is only a matter of time before I update mine!

Worth a read through this as well.

As with all things you will get people sticking up for what they believe in but that's what brand loyalty is all about. I have had awesome performance from my Evinrude, including incredible consumption figures that can be independently verified (and almost matched by an Optimax 115 on an identical boat!) and therefore struggle to see beyond E-Tec. Having seen the same fanatical support for Optimax then it is obvious that they also offer an excellent product that you would be pleased with. You pays your money and takes your choice, either way I am sure that you will have a great time on the water
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Old 29 August 2006, 17:36   #6
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Servicing Costs Opti/Etec

Has anyone got an Etec serviced?

My opti costs £150ish for its annual service, and has the usual filters etc.

What is the servicing like on an Etec at its first service (3years). Will it need belts, tensioners, filters, impellor, etc. Is there an average cost for an Etec 3year service?
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Old 29 August 2006, 17:59   #7
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Originally Posted by Under the Thumb
Has anyone got an Etec serviced?

My opti costs £150ish for its annual service, and has the usual filters etc.

What is the servicing like on an Etec at its first service (3years). Will it need belts, tensioners, filters, impellor, etc. Is there an average cost for an Etec 3year service?
There is little to service on an E-TEC or so the dealers say but they also recommend you have it checked each season
which is not going to be for free?
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Old 29 August 2006, 19:20   #8
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Call me old fashioned but I fail to see how a gearbox in an outboard benefits from three years without an oil change. If one does or should change the oil the isn't that a service. Likewise will the filters for the oill, air and fuel not need cleaning for three years, .

I quite the roods and I'd probably go for a 200 over an opti 200 but not a 150 Opti evrytime , but I wouldn't want to own either outside of the warranty period
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Old 29 August 2006, 20:50   #9
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Call me old fashioned but I fail to see how a gearbox in an outboard benefits from three years without an oil change. If one does or should change the oil the isn't that a service. Likewise will the filters for the oill, air and fuel not need cleaning for three years, .

I quite the roods and I'd probably go for a 200 over an opti 200 but not a 150 Opti evrytime , but I wouldn't want to own either outside of the warranty period
Yep my car is only due for an oil change every 20,000 miles but I have it done every 10,000
"5 litres of oil is the best preventative maintenance you can buy"
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Old 29 August 2006, 21:48   #10
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Have you had a look at the new Suzuki 150, its lighter, although none of manfacturers talk about torque (can't think why not) it's a 3 ltr so torque should be better than anything else in the class (verado could produce, more but it would be a guess) and it's just out ..
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Old 30 August 2006, 10:03   #11
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Originally Posted by Lostboy
Not yet, but if my older DI 115 is anything to go by, as well as my experience of the E-Tec on a mates Ballistic 6.5 then it is only a matter of time before I update mine!

Worth a read through this as well.

As with all things you will get people sticking up for what they believe in but that's what brand loyalty is all about. I have had awesome performance from my Evinrude, including incredible consumption figures that can be independently verified (and almost matched by an Optimax 115 on an identical boat!) and therefore struggle to see beyond E-Tec. Having seen the same fanatical support for Optimax then it is obvious that they also offer an excellent product that you would be pleased with. You pays your money and takes your choice, either way I am sure that you will have a great time on the water
I had the opti 225 on the back of the boat then sold it and now have the E tec 225 so I can speak from experiance the differance is vast would go for the E Tec everytime and twice on Sundays
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Old 30 August 2006, 18:43   #12
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Originally Posted by Milan
I had the opti 225 on the back of the boat then sold it and now have the E tec 225 so I can speak from experiance the differance is vast would go for the E Tec everytime and twice on Sundays
Go on -tell us some more...
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