24 August 2020, 16:47
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 137
Engine cooling issues on Ullswater - disastrous start to holiday!!
Hi all...
Well.. After it raining for 2 days straight, finally got the 3.1m Yamaha SIB out with 8hp Yamaha 2 stroke outboard this morning with the wife. All was fine until I realised (as we were chugging away from Glenridding) that there was only a tiny dribble coming out of the coolant tell tale. This quickly changed to just a drip now and again..[emoji50]
I shut off the engine and found it was pretty darn hot! Allowed it to cool, rowed back and cleaned out the hole with wire etc. Some salt deposits came out. I restarted and we appeared to have a nice steady stream. We cautiously set off again but after only a few hundred yards (all this on only a small throttle opening) the water dried up again.
I had a new impeller fitted a couple of years back but this is the first time I've run the engine on the boat. It seemed fine under no load at home in the bucket!
I'm thinking that it's likely to be solidified salt deposits as there appeared to be salt deposited on the motor below the tell tale hole.
My questions are..
1) do you agree salt deposits are likely to be the culprit (it was used as an auxiliary engine by the previous owner, definitely in the sea. It's also been stood about 5 years and only run in my bucket at home!)
2) Anyone know if there's anything I can do/ anywhere I can take it to in the Lakes area that could take a look? We are here until Saturday and it would be nice to get out again on the water..
Thanks guys..
24 August 2020, 16:57
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Stick it in a tub of clean water and add a couple of litres of white vinegar . Run for a few minutes until it dissolves the salt. I do this with mine after saltwater and sometimes there's an instant improvement when I tip the vinegar in . Important to flush after with clean fresh water or in your case take it for a blast up the lake. I'd also have a look at the thermostat, usually just two bolts.
24 August 2020, 17:26
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it could be as simple as some crud in the tell tale outlet itself, or the pipe that feeds it. Pushing wire up it can clear it, but can also just move it around so it will block again in time. It seems unlikely to be a pure "salt water" issue if you've had it running a few times in a barrel of freshwater. If you live in a hard water area though it could be limescale (does your kettle fur up?) in which case paddlers vinegar approach should help - if there is enough circulation to get to the blocked bit.
There's a marina on the N side of the lake - pretty sure it has an outboard guy there. No idea if they will be able to fit you in, as its silly season.
The fact you got it going again once cooled probably suggests its not the impeller. But could it be a bit weak so when the thermostat open it doesn't have enough oomph?
24 August 2020, 17:33
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Poly
it could be as simple as some crud in the tell tale outlet itself, or the pipe that feeds it. Pushing wire up it can clear it, but can also just move it around so it will block again in time. It seems unlikely to be a pure "salt water" issue if you've had it running a few times in a barrel of freshwater. If you live in a hard water area though it could be limescale (does your kettle fur up?) in which case paddlers vinegar approach should help - if there is enough circulation to get to the blocked bit.
There's a marina on the N side of the lake - pretty sure it has an outboard guy there. No idea if they will be able to fit you in, as its silly season.
The fact you got it going again once cooled probably suggests its not the impeller. But could it be a bit weak so when the thermostat open it doesn't have enough oomph?
Thanks both of you.
I have run it in the bucket... But tbh the flow has been a bit sporadic. Certainly compared to the Mariner outboards I've owned, which gushed water out like there was no tomorrow. Never just a dribble. I have poked wire up there several times before. It could be just moving salt around as you say. I definitely suspect that there is salt in there. I may end up waiting until I get home to sort as the weather isn't looking exactly thrilling the rest of the week now..
Any more comments more than welcome..
Thanks guys..
24 August 2020, 19:50
RIBnet admin team
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Usually you can pull the tube off the back of the outlet nozzle on the cowling - that way you can flush the tube out without the final restriction which can get blocked. If you can collect whatever comes out in the first wave in a glass or clear bottle. Sand, Salt, etc are all "OK". Any black bits might be pieces of impeller breaking off - not so good.
And remember - whilst it seems like a disastrous day - if you made it back ashore without having to call 999 / mayday - you've had a successful trip!
24 August 2020, 20:19
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Poly
Usually you can pull the tube off the back of the outlet nozzle on the cowling - that way you can flush the tube out without the final restriction which can get blocked. If you can collect whatever comes out in the first wave in a glass or clear bottle. Sand, Salt, etc are all "OK". Any black bits might be pieces of impeller breaking off - not so good.
And remember - whilst it seems like a disastrous day - if you made it back ashore without having to call 999 / mayday - you've had a successful trip!
Thanks Poly..
Sadly, on the Yam it comes straight out of the block so no pipe so not an option.
I've done some more research which suggests the thermostat would be a good thing to check too. It's a 2005 engine and I doubt it has ever been swapped...
I'm awaiting a message from a marina in Windermere as to whether they can check it for me. Failing which, I'll have a look myself upon our return home.
25 August 2020, 15:03
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Checking a thermostat is simple, you need a thermometer and a saucepan of water thats all once its out the block (some string and other kitchen utensils can help......)
26 August 2020, 09:19
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by HDAV
Checking a thermostat is simple, you need a thermometer and a saucepan of water thats all once its out the block (some string and other kitchen utensils can help......)
Thanks Hdav..I'm going to change it anyway - it is highly unlikely it's ever been done.
I had the motor examined yesterday and they cleaned a lot of salt residue out and checked the pump and impeller. All good on the latter two. It's now pumping water but I've been warned more salt may become dislodged when it heats up.
I intend flushing through as you good folk have recommended on here upon my return. The chap at the marina said if more blockages occur it will need a full strip down. I can do this myself as I'm not too bad with spanners, but am wondering if this is strictly necessary if the flushing products/white vinegar etc can do the job too..Any thoughts?
The last point is.. Do we risk another run out on Ullswater before our return home....? [emoji848][emoji848]
26 August 2020, 09:51
Country: UK - England
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The mechanic who did your engine work will have done a pretty good job of clearing the bulk of the salt residue if that's what he's been paid to do (hopefully). I'd be tempted to give it a good blast out but keep an eye on how strong the engine's peeing water . Mine always give a good strong flow at revs which in your case might just help in clearing any small blockages straight through. White vinegar's cheaply available on ebay. You don't need a really strong mix on a small engine. Just remember to flush thoroughly with clean water for a period before you put the engine away.
26 August 2020, 10:14
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I hope your problem is less serious but here is an example of one of my outboards from a few years back... it had been peeing and cooling well for years and was always flushed but after the pee stream reduced to a dribble I took it apart to find the deposits in image below. I didn't try running in a bucket with any "cure" added to the water as the stream was so weak I didn't want to overheat it trying.
26 August 2020, 10:22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fenlander
I hope your problem is less serious but here is an example of one of my outboards from a few years back... it had been peeing and cooling well for years and was always flushed but after the pee stream reduced to a dribble I took it apart to find the deposits in image below. I didn't try running in a bucket with any "cure" added to the water as the stream was so weak I didn't want to overheat it trying.
Wow Fenlander.. That looks pretty bad.
I hope mine isn't quite so extreme!
I've found a couple of blogs on the 'net of others that have had this issue. All seem to have solved with just a good clean out. Would it pay me to invest in a commercially available specialist cleaner or just use white vinegar? If the latter, how much is enough?
Thanks as ever.
I'm anxious to get these issues resolved as I was hoping to get some inshore trips in this year, but obviously don't want to do anything other than lakes with a potential engine issue.
26 August 2020, 10:39
RIBnet admin team
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On the flipside here's my 17yr old Yamaha 15 2-st which I took apart on something of a mid life overhaul whim... only the smallest amount of deposits.
Hopefully yours was a blockage nearer the outlet end of things and they've now cleaned it... rather than right throughout the cooling passages.
26 August 2020, 15:47
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saltaway is a product but i use citric acid powder much cheaper dissolves salt
27 August 2020, 09:26
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
saltaway is a product but i use citric acid powder much cheaper dissolves salt
Thanks Jeff. I've found a very similar product sold by Boat World that has excellent reviews. Applied via your garden hose and seems to have a very good success rate.
Further to my earlier questions, We are going to give the Ullswater trip another shot on Saturday. I'll report back...
After which I'm going to give the Yam a full service and new 'stat with the flush etc.
Hoping to get it fully sorted before the end of the season!
27 August 2020, 19:17
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Hi, I am off up there tomorrow and plan Saturday for my day out hopefully see you on the lake .
27 August 2020, 19:28
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by topshelf
Hi, I am off up there tomorrow and plan Saturday for my day out hopefully see you on the lake .
Hi Top shelf..
Me and the wife will be there! With the Yam310sti.. Whether the Yam 8hp will play ball is another matter - though we'll be giving it a try. If we break down I'll be grateful for a tow back!!!!!![emoji106][emoji106][emoji1][emoji108][emoji108]
27 August 2020, 19:35
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 34
No probs but to bo honest I dont have much of a success rate on there my self, Julys trip saw me return on one cylinder, and a few issues last year with my PAST engine, but my rowings getting better !
27 August 2020, 19:56
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 137
Tbh my rowing is getting better too. Think we'll confine ourselves to the lower end of the lake - at least at first!
28 August 2020, 11:38
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 137
Originally Posted by topshelf
No probs but to bo honest I dont have much of a success rate on there my self, Julys trip saw me return on one cylinder, and a few issues last year with my PAST engine, but my rowings getting better !
PM sent..
29 August 2020, 16:03
Country: UK - England
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Top shelf- how did you get on today? We arrived in Glenridding and we were refused parking 'as the steamer customers have pre booked all the car parking spaces, it is Bank Holiday.'
P***** off wasn't harsh enough..
So we headed down to Coniston got a friendly welcome (despite it being booked up and busy there) and launched from the Boating Centre.
Full report to follow....
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