Originally Posted by pauly 237
hi all, my 1989 suzuki 115hp going astern but no ahead gear just reving has anyone had this prob? Thinking its the morse cable??  
I've had the opposite - and it was an incorrectly adjusted cable - makes it rather exciting when you try to stop by dropping into reverse - until you realise there is a problem you keep adding throttle to try and slow down more and instead go faster!
I assume you can see the gear cable move at the engine end when you engage F/N/R on the throttle.
Next thing would be to pop the cable off at the engine end and manually move the control at that end and see if you can feel/hear it engaging. Then carefully check with the engine running and see if you can see the prop turning ** if doing this afloat make sure you have the kill cord connected to the person hanging over the back ** a helper would be useful.
If all is well then cable probably just needs adjusting. IIRC mine is put engine in neutral. Put lever in neutral, and adjust length until it fits neatly on the end.