28 September 2004, 12:30
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Engine oil
Can any one tell me what is "Break in Oil" Ive been reading the engine hand book (johnson 115 2004)And it says Change break in lubricant after 10 hours to 4 stroke synthetic 10w-40. Also is there any difference between castrol magnitec 10w-40 synthetic (for cars) and a can that says "Johnson Ultra 4 Stroke Synthetic"
28 September 2004, 12:38
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Modern synthetic oils are very, very "slippery". For an engine to bed in properly there must be some amount of wear to lap in the mating surfaces. If the oil used during this period is too "good" then the wear doesn't take place and the components glaze and burn. BMW motorcycles are notorious for this behaviour and take ages to bed in properly. If any one tries to run them on a synthetic oil from new they are, effectively, mis-treating their engines through "kindness"...
Hence using a specific oil during the break-in period, which is not so "slippery" and may also contain extra detergents.
28 September 2004, 12:39
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Try the RAC!
Just ask!
28 September 2004, 12:50
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Thanks Nick
28 September 2004, 12:54
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Sorry just couldn't resist!
28 September 2004, 13:39
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Oi!!! Graham! I've only just noticed your listed occupation.... and you're asking about "break in" oil?........
28 September 2004, 13:43
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Originally Posted by Jono
Oi!!! Graham! I've only just noticed your listed occupation.... and you're asking about "break in" oil?........ 
Makes you wonder, probably better at flogging you a battery!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
28 September 2004, 16:50
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Just to confirm what Jono's said I was chatting with the top engineer at the Yamaha stand at the boat show and he said what ever you do dont use synthetic oil !!! alway use none synthetic oil.
29 September 2004, 16:38
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Since this thread is about lub oils just to let you know that I have embarked on a missions to find the cheapest TC-W3 oil possible.
So far I have found Castrol Marine and Valvoline Marine both less than half of what major makes cost to buy per litr.
However, the question that makes me think is the oil spec and compatibility. So, does any one know whether these two types of TC-W3 oil types are compatible to Quicksilver?
29 September 2004, 16:55
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The W in oil stand for water use I believe. I think the Oil has different properties because the engines work in very different ways. I believe Car engines have cylinders which mostly operate in a vertical plane ( albeit canted over a bit with V block) and Boat engines mostly operate in the Horizontal plane.
I am no expet but I asked my trusted outboard mechanic ( who doesn;t sell oil) and he said always use proper marine OIL. shell nautilus is OK and can be found at reasonable prices
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29 September 2004, 17:02
Country: Greece
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Rogue what you say is logical and I agree. But I'm not a lub oil expert and since I have found that Castrol and Valvoline are competitively pricerd I am making inquiries about them.
Shell Nautilous is same as Quick Silver. Shell produce it and they sell it on to Merc. I also think Valvoline is the same oil but I'm not sure is just rumors that I've heard, the same applies for Castrol.
QuickSilver and Yama lub and also Nautilous are quite expenssive I think Yama Lub is the dearest.
So still asking if any one knows whether the specs of the Valvoline and Castrol are the same as of that of Quicksilver (That I may add we used all summer and our pockets are dry  ) )
29 September 2004, 17:06
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I spoke to a bloke at Castrol on this very subject - he was pretty guarded but hinted that Castrol could possibly be the makers of Quicksilver!
My mate used to work for Duckhams (now castrol) and he said they made most of the branded oils around. He reckoned they were the biggest rip off going as they were all really the same stuff!
Just found an article where is says Castrol develops special oils for Bombardier!
I would say either oil should be suitable as long as the spec is right.
29 September 2004, 17:14
Country: Greece
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Thanks Cod makes sence. I will be ordering about 70-80ltrs if any one is interested please drop me a pm will letg you know the price and if you think is OK will add your order on to mine.
Castrol advised me today that the oil comes in 1 ltr bottles and not in drums.
29 September 2004, 17:39
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Originally Posted by Manos
Thanks Cod makes sence. I will be ordering about 70-80ltrs if any one is interested please drop me a pm will letg you know the price and if you think is OK will add your order on to mine.
Castrol advised me today that the oil comes in 1 ltr bottles and not in drums.
They must do the stuff in drums - drum size is usually 205lts - ask them if they will reduce cost if you don't use 80 little bottles!!!
if you get a drum you can then get a pump to attach to it - a lot less messy!
29 September 2004, 17:42
Country: Greece
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I have asked alright but they only do it in bottles I'm affraid
29 September 2004, 17:48
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when you ask if an oil is compatible then isn't that what TCW3 is. i.e. a standard. Anybody know what the difference is between TCW3 and Opti/Ficht juice
I am a bit confused by the above posts as it seems that both shell and Castrol make Quicksilver oil. Or is it Duckhams?
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Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
29 September 2004, 19:10
Country: Greece
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You are correct again Mr Rogue but Duckhams is a Shell sister company so they get their oil from Shell. So the experts tell me
Confusing isn't it??
From what I have been told so far it seems that there are 2 companies making lubs and they sell it/supply the rest of the World.
29 September 2004, 19:16
Country: UK - Wales
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but Cod P has just said that Duckhams are owned by Castrol....who are Burmah Castrol does that mean that Shell own Burmah Castrol as well.
while we are on the Subject of Oil companies just who shot JR
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Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
29 September 2004, 19:18
Country: Greece
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Yes Castrol was taken over by Shell a few years back about 5-6. And Duckhams Marine lub oil costs the same as Quicksilver lub
29 September 2004, 19:21
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Why don't us RIBsters get a sydicate and get the black stuff in quantity?
I'll be up for some Opti liquid.
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