14 August 2008, 16:21
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Engine Priming Techniques Survey
As for the record only...
Sometimes the bulb reaches hard position very fast with few primes, some others you have to prime a lot more to achieve this condition, is there any technique so to always prime hard/fast and don't loose precious time & frustration in the intention.
Would you say that "bulbing" in horizontal or vertical bulb arrow up or down position makes any difference ? Usually cunsume all the carb gas untill the engine shuts off, as don't know when will be my next sibbing out. In the next outting, when hooking the gas connector find this left position to requiere more erratic bulbing in order to obtain a hard buld.
Any own's experiences are welcome to share with others.
Happy Priming
29 September 2008, 18:17
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Engine Primer Bulb Information
Have been reading several engine manuals and the most recommended primer bulb position is in a vertical way with arrow pointing upwards. This is the position that primes best, may boaters primes in a horizontal position and doesn't get a hard bulb fast, will include myself in this position, so next time out will try the vertical position and test the priming difference. Some brands gas hoses like Yamaha can hook connectors both ways, so look for the arrow to be pointing the engine side when priming, other like Tohatsu can only be hooked one way as the connectors won't fit.
Happy Boating
29 September 2008, 19:26
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac
As for the record only...
Sometimes the bulb reaches hard position very fast with few primes, some others you have to prime a lot more to achieve this condition, is there any technique so to always prime hard/fast and don't loose precious time & frustration in the intention.
Would you say that "bulbing" in horizontal or vertical bulb arrow up or down position makes any difference ? Usually cunsume all the carb gas untill the engine shuts off, as don't know when will be my next sibbing out. In the next outting, when hooking the gas connector find this left position to requiere more erratic bulbing in order to obtain a hard buld.
Any own's experiences are welcome to share with others.
Happy Priming
Feck me, winter's here.
Probably due another console changing thread............
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29 September 2008, 20:37
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Feck me, winter's here.
Probably due another console changing thread............ 
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
29 September 2008, 21:09
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29 September 2008, 22:09
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Mine doesn't seem to get hard at all (insert cheap Viagra joke here) but the fan on the back hasn't stopped for 2 years so I guess it doesn't matter much, mind you I have never run it out of fuel either
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29 September 2008, 23:26
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Mine never gets touched at all, haven't a clue if its hard or soft these days.
30 September 2008, 01:04
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
(insert cheap Viagra joke here)
If you're considering using Viagra, think long and hard!
01 October 2008, 19:02
Country: Other
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Jokes appart, yesterday changed horizontal priming position to vertical, must say primes fantastic well and fast, only 3 bulb squeezes till hard, engine on in first pull, highly recommended. Incredible how a simple issue can give you hard troubles priming/turning on any outboard engine.
Happy Boating
01 October 2008, 19:14
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my mrs was sqeezing my bulb last night, it got so hard it exploded!!!
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