Originally Posted by jyasaki
No it doesn't.
All it "proves" is that your transom failed while on the water, rather than on the road. Can you state for sure that all damage occured at that point in time, or could it have been weakened on the road, to fail when you hopped the wake?
I must admit to not being an expert in Fibreglass. But I dought it! My understanding of Fibreglass is that it usually fails suddenly and without warning, reaching it's Yeald point just before it fails, so giving very little if no warning.
Imagine being on your Boat sitting on your trailer being dragged down the average road at 40mph......Now the same conditions but on the water in a force 4. What'd you think would give you a bumpier ride? I know what would be more stessful on me in my little RIB. Add to this the thrust of a Prop propelling the boat along?