Originally Posted by hard1
From a different perspective, I suppose as a prospective purchaser further down the road, I would expect to see a "Honda" stamp in the service record, and do "other" qualified service agents have the necessary software to access and re-set the CPU? (assuming it has one, that is)
V Good Point. If I was looking at a secondhand engine that had not had it's first service done at a main agent I would not be that impressed. I wonder :
a) how much the engine cost new
b) how much you save not having it done by a main agent
c) how much it would influence a future secondhand buyer.
I remember a few years back I didn't buy a three year old mercedes '(from a merc garage) cause the first service wasn't done by a merc garage - seemed to me that the owner may had been a bit of a cheapskate and may have skrimped on other things (maybe wrongly)
I think this is really important on a marine engine where your life could depend on it a bit more than on a car engine.