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Old 28 November 2000, 17:09   #1
Country: UK
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Hello everyone,

Right, I've ordered a 5.85 fom those helpful people at Ribcraft. The big decision now is what engine to get.

It is not for diving or water-skiing or racing, it's really just a toy/runaround and so will only have 2 or 3 people aboard at any one time, although I'd like to think we could cross the channel in the right weather (we have specified the biggest fuel tanks possible).

I notice the coast-guard uses the same boat with a 75hp 2 stroke, yet I have been told that a 90hp 4 stroke is the best option for power and speed.

The price difference here is nearly £1000, which I could do if necessary, but it represents a lot of electronics, doughnuts and beer

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance everyone

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Old 28 November 2000, 17:55   #2
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Nice boat. I know a chap who has a 90hp Evinrude Ficht on one. Reasonably quick but he would prefer a 150hp!

Have you considered the Yamaha F100 4 stroke. Supposed to be a good engine.

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Old 28 November 2000, 22:48   #3
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Hi Donald ,

I can whole heartedly recommend the Yamaha 100hp 4 stroke .

I have been running one of these on one of my boats for the last 6 months . Very reliable , great torque , Exxxxxtremeeeely economical ( IR£15 per day in fuel on an ISA / RYA L2 Powerboat course ) and actually as light if not lighter (165 KG )than a comparable 2 stroke.

As an aside , I had hoped to put a Yamaha 115 4 stroke on the craft in question but they weren't available back in June when we took delivery. I have since found out from some Yamaha people that the 100 hp is the preferred engine as it is not fitted with EFI electronic fuel injection . The problem with the latest efi is that your dealer must be equipped with a computerised diagnostic kit for even routine service . No Irish dealers (despite our being the software development capital of Europe ) have yet been equipped by Yamaha with this kit ...therfore , no servicing available for Yammie 115 4 strokes !

The 100 is a no nonsense purpose built 4 stroke . The proof ??? I have another 2 on order !

Best wishes ,

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Old 29 November 2000, 07:56   #4
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I suggest that you pick an engine around 100 hp (eg 90 - 115). You are likely to find yourself running out of grunt with a 75.

There is lots of choice now, with conventional 2 strokes, high tech 2 strokes and four strokes. The modern 4 strokes are very quiet and economical, without any great weight penalty.

Yam 100 4-stroke - 162kg
Yam 115 2-stroke - 163kg
Honda 90 4-stroke - 169kg
Evinrude 115 Ficht - 170kg
Yam 115 4-stroke - 181kg
Honda 115 4-stroke - 225kg

This is not an exhaustive list, but does give some comparisons. I would not put the Honda 115 on a 585, but the others would all be OK.

The Yamaha 100 4-stroke would look to be a strong contender, and Yamaha have probably the best reputation for reliability.

I don't know how prices compare, but the Ficht 115 may also be worth a look. There were some early reliability problems, but as far as I know these have been sorted out now.

Hope this helps!

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Old 29 November 2000, 09:14   #5
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Well...thanks for all that.

Ribcraft supply mariners as standard, tho' they can provide a yamaha. I have experience of yamaha engines, like them and am aware of their reputation for reliability.

Is the mariner so bad? Should I get a yamaha?

Tkanks again

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Old 29 November 2000, 17:25   #6
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Read in a a Boating mag last month that Merc have released a 115hp 4 stroke. EFI, weighed (from memory) about 10kg more than the equivalent 2 stroke. Presume that since Merc/Mariner are the same company Ribcraft would be able to supply you a Mariner variant.

HTH, Alan
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Old 30 November 2000, 00:30   #7
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I don't have any experience of the Mariner 4 strokes, but I've no reason to think badly of them (although I've always been a bit put off the large Mariners as to my untutored ear they sound like someone left a bag of spanners in them!)

The biggest Mariner 4-stroke is 90 hp, which at 175kg is a bit heavier than the Yam 100 4-stroke. Other than that, you could go for the 135 Optimax but that would be a bit excessive, and at 201kg is rather a big lump on the back of a 585.

Personally I would tend to go for the Yamaha 100, unless the Mariner 90 was much cheaper.

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Old 30 November 2000, 14:59   #8
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Donald, On my last boat, a Zodiac 5.5m, I had a version of the Honda 90 rated at 75hp. Beautiful engine-I highly recommend them. It won't help your engine weight problem to know that, or your power problem. It might just help your cashflow though-especially if you could locate a second hand one.
Good luck anyway with whatever you decide.
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Old 09 January 2001, 18:22   #9
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Go For At least 100 hp oterwise you will be dissapointed i would recommend a 135 or 150 hp mariner optimax direct fuel injection
or a 150 hp evinrude Fight
this are very economic engine
don,t worry about the weight
little difference with other engines you need a little weight on the back of this boat depending on were your console stands
is it a jockey or a console ?
standing in the back or front of this boat?
you can expect 37-40 kts with the 100 yammie 4 stroke
and 45-50 with the merc/mar 135/150
greetings menno
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