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Old 28 September 2007, 22:01   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
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I have been having some real problems with my eTec and the dealer that I bought it from is starting to give me real cause for concern.

I have had problems with the engine cutting out when idling and refusing to start for several minutes now if I turn the engine off when it is warm it sometimes refuses to start.

The engine has now been back three times to the dealer and each time he say that there are no faults showing on the computer and that they reckon its a fuel related issue.

The last time they had the engine they said there was crap in the external fuel filter and that some of it had got through to the pipe leading up to the internal engine filter. However even though they dealt with this the problem persists.

I have just got back home and pulled the hood to take a closer look at the fuel filters and I have just noticed that an assembly on the back of the engine that I can only assume is the fuel pump is hanging on by one bolt. the other bolts are there but the plastic lugs on the fuel pump have snapped off the thing is the remains of the lugs are not on the bolts which must mean somone removed them.

I know the dealer has done some work on the pump as he said he checked the pressure to see if it was the cause of the problem.

Help what do I do I really don't trust anyhting these guys are telling me anymore.

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Old 28 September 2007, 22:14   #2
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Get back to the dealer 1st thing in the morning. Don't leave til it's sorted-and show them the damaged stuff.

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Old 29 September 2007, 18:27   #3
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Help what do I do....
Get your aux. outboard serviced somewhere else.
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Old 30 September 2007, 20:10   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021

I went back to the dealer and they apologised for not noticing the damaged casing on the pump. They had actually only checked the low pressure pump so I can see that they could have missed the damage to what I now know is the high pressure pump.

Its going to take 2 weeks to get a new one so I have taken the boat home to do some other work to ensure I have no more problems.

Firstly I spoke to Lee at Fairweather (a dealer that I rate v highly) Lee was very suprised that the engine had been rigged using the old battery cables, these are only about 25mm sq. and he said the minimum should be 35mm sq.

So today I measured up for some new battery cables and I unbolted the cables from the engine noting that the Negative was not bolted down properly and the bolt was at least three turns from being tight so I doubt this is helping,

Lee explained that the Etecs are sensitive to power because when cranking if the voltage drops below a certain level the injectors would fail to work (this would explain the problems I have been having)

I have also had to redo some of the other stuff like the inline fuel sensor that measures fuel flow. This has been cut into the fuel line right after the fuel tank. Again Lee explained that BRP actually issued a bulletin to say that these sensors should be fitted as close the engine as poss and after the filter to avoid crap getting stuck in the sensors impellor.

FairWeather also checked the engine on the BRP database and it has not even been registered yet for the warranty so FairWeather will do that as well.

Basically this engine has just been rigged by a lazy bugger. I am not prepared to let them muck about with the boat anymore so I will take it back in 2 weeks so they can fit the fuel pump (while I wait) after that they won't be seeing me or the engine again. I have already agreed with Lee at Fairweather that they will take the engine over and will start by giving it a good look over to see if there are any other problems.

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Old 30 September 2007, 21:26   #5
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A very lazy rigger!

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Old 01 October 2007, 16:48   #6
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
A very lazy rigger!
Sounds more like someone shaving money off the job list.

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