I have the option to buy:
1. A 2007 Etec 200 with 300 hours which was bought new by its owner or:
2. A Yamaha HPDI200 year 1999/2000 with seemingly 84 hours (according to tach as the ecu says over 6000 but I see this was a known issue) This engine is still on the Cobra rib and was used on the Thames up until the wake restriction according to owner. The owner of both engines is selling one or the other and I have the choice.
Etec for €5000.00 or the HPDI for €4000.00
What do ye think I should go for and has anyone had experience with either?
What's been happening to the 18 year old engine that it's only got 84 hours on? That suggests it's been sitting around idle for a long time which, circumstances dependent, may not have been good for it.
Personally just on what you've said I'd lean towards the ETec but I don't have much experience with Yamaha.
I'm certainly not knowledgeable on either, but I once looked at buying a used Yam HDPI engine and a clued up colleage explained that the HPDI might as well stand for "Highly probably disaster imminent" of something similar
Might be worth more of a google search on these particular engines?
I'd go to the Boats & Yachts Warranty site and get a quote for a warranty on each engine. That should tell you what they think is better. They'll have experience of insuring both.
The larger HPDI's weren't great is my understanding. Whether a 200 is considered one of the larger models I don't know. I have a 150 that's been a dream for many years.