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Old 29 May 2006, 14:44   #1
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Etec 250 - Choke?

I am a bit confused here ...

The ingition key switch says "Push key in for full choke" but there is nothing in the manual about it.

In order to get the kill chord on, I have pushed the ignition barrel in.

What I don't understand is should the key position spring out when the engine is suitably warmed up/started - or do I need to pull it out manually? If so, how? Or is the key switch simply a standard Evinrude item, with text which doesn't apply to my particular engine.

I ask beacuse my initial top speed of 49.7 knots is now down to around 40kts. If the choke has to be manually turned off, then is would account for the drop in performance, as I have probably been running on full choke. The hull and propellor are clean.

I would be surprised if the choke return was not automatic (if in fact this really does control the choke in such a sophisticated engine), especially when the manual says nothing at all about it.

If you own an Etec, please let me know your understanding of the key switch.

Thanks for your help!

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Old 29 May 2006, 19:26   #2
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hi , i think the key switch choke is only for carb engines and not for injections as injection engines dont require choke,( i could be wrong )
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Old 29 May 2006, 21:21   #3
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The choke on my Johnson works like that, push it in before turning to start, though it doesn't pop out when warm or anything, just comes out when you release it. I assume the choke is automatic in operation and works a bit like old cars sometimes did e.g. you pump the accel pedal once to activate the auto choke and then it sorts itself out after that.

Anything with EFI will not have a "choke" as such, assuming it works like EFI in every other engine (vehicles etc) the EFI system just adjusts fuelling according to the inputs from various temperature sensors measuring engine temp, inlet air temp, fuel temp, temp of the barnacles on the bottom of the hull blah blah blah
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Old 29 May 2006, 21:38   #4
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e tec choke,

the push part is only for manual/solenoid style chokes, wont be applicable for yours, nice engine by the way!!
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Old 29 May 2006, 21:44   #5
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Originally Posted by Chris Murray
In order to get the kill chord on, I have pushed the ignition barrel in.
Hi Chris
When are going to post some pics of your new rib? Anyway, my Ficht was a similar set-up, what I do not understand about your description re the above is that the kill cord 'fitting' slides into place with a little force, you don't actually have to push any part of the ignition barrel in.

Originally Posted by Chris Murray
What I don't understand is should the key position spring out when the engine is suitably warmed up/started - or do I need to pull it out manually? If so, how? Or is the key switch simply a standard Evinrude item, with text which doesn't apply to my particular engine.
When you insert the key and turn the ignition on you have to wait for a few seconds for the electronic management system to do its checks - all the relevant red lights, IE oil pressure, etc come on momentarily at which point you can then start the engine.

Originally Posted by Chris Murray
I would be surprised if the choke return was not automatic (if in fact this really does control the choke in such a sophisticated engine), especially when the manual says nothing at all about it.
If you own an Etec, please let me know your understanding of the key switch.
By pushing the key in and turning the key to the 'start' position you are automatically engaging the choke which turns itself off when it has completed it's function. The thing that puzzles me about your engine is that the etec blurb says there is NO choke necessary?!

I stress, this is how it was on my Ficht and NOT necessarily as it is on the E-Tecs. I hope I have helped in a small way.
The loss of speed could be coincidental, what revs are you pulling and is the engine fully run in now?
All the best
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Old 29 May 2006, 22:35   #6
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Originally Posted by Chris Murray
I ask beacuse my initial top speed of 49.7 knots is now down to around 40kts. If the choke has to be manually turned off, then is would account for the drop in performance,
Not really - since presumably the ignition/choke switch is not new? so you would have been going through the same procedure when you managed 49.7 knots.

If the choke actually does anything then pushing it in when the engine is warm and at high revs should result in a sudden loss in power and speed - it does on my little yamaha anyway - enough to bring you off the plane.
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Old 29 May 2006, 22:53   #7
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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your input so far.
Some clarification ...

- I do have to push in the centre of the ignition barrel, in order to fit the kill chord.

- The manual doesn't even refer to a choke, yet there is a picture in the manual which shows the ignition key and the wording mentioned above.

- I spoke to an Etec engineer this morning. I shall be taking the boat around to him next weekend (subject to him being available). I didn't ask about the choke at that time, which was an after-thought.

- The engineer said that there had been some "issues" with the engine that have now been resolved. One of these was to do with setting the spark plug gap. This looks to be the prime suspect here. The other was the dealer's setting for 2 stroke oil and the oil that is actually being used.

He also said that it was a great engine and that it just won 1st and 3rd places in a 24 hour endurance test.

I shall let you know the outcome, after I have seen him.

Thanks for your again input - it does rather look like the choke issue might be a red herring.

Best wishes,


P.S. I shall post some pictures when I am finally happy with the boat - could be two or three weeks.
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Old 29 May 2006, 23:28   #8
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E-TEC's don't have a choke, the engine management computer takes care of it all. Pushing the barrel in is basically pushing the kill cord connected sensor in. FYI E-TEC's will run with no kill cord so that if you fall in the drink, your passenger can start the engine and come pick you up!

Spark plug gap could be an issue. The oil setting is important too, proper E-TEC oil (Evinrude XD-100) is much thinner so that it can get into the boron nitrate piston pores and consequently much less oil is used. I've gone through about 4 or 5 tanks of fuel in mine now and used only a big glug of oil!
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Old 30 May 2006, 21:13   #9
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Things may not be as they seem ...

Thanks Fraser, for the additional info.

I was in Southampton on business today, so was able to visit the boat afterwards.

I have two chart plotters, one of which is linked up to the radar and VHF. The other is a standalone back-up but still built-in.

When I went for the "test drive" with Scorpion on hand-over day, I was reading the speed off the back-up. On looking at it this afternoon, I note that the units of measurement were statute miles - not knots!

Regrettably, I fear that we were only doing a pedestrian 43.2 kts and 49.7 MPH.

Of course, there was 80 gallons of fuel and 3 people on board, so I ought to be able to get 45 kts or so, when some of the fuel has been used, but it's not quite as whizzy as I had first thought.

Following this through, the maximum tidal rate in the Lymington area at 11:00 BST on 20th May (it was dead on a neap tide) would have been 1.6 kts, so I ought to be able to get at least 41.6 kts, if there is no tide running, more when there is less fuel and the engine has properly loosened up (I still believe that it should be run-in to an extent). I reckon I got just under 40 kts, on slack tide this weekend, so it still looks like there has been a loss of performance, albeit not quite so dramatic as I had first thought!

Having discovered that it is "Round the Island" and the restart of the Volvo Ocean Race this coming weekend, I shall leave it a week or two, before visiting the Etec engineer. This should also allow me to use some of the existing oil, before I have the engine modified to accept "XD 100".

Thanks for all your input.

Best wishes,

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Old 30 May 2006, 23:35   #10
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Hi Chris we had a probleam with the speed thing
Graham droped the engine by 2 inches and the top speed went to 49.5 knts
Full fuel three up what prop are are you using
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Old 01 June 2006, 00:01   #11
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Hi Roy,

I think you might have an 8.1 metre boat.

Mine is 8.5 metres, has a double A-frame + secondary radar arch, heavy radar reflector, even heavier 24" radome and is generally a pretty heavy boat compared to some of the Scorpions around. It also has an 80 gallon fuel tank.

I don't know if you have an A-frame and other heavy items but if not then my boat could be perhaps 10 stone heavier than yours plus it has considerable windage.

If my boat is indeed so much heavier, has more wind resistance and there is more boat in the water, I guess this might account for much of the difference in top speed. I understand that to some extent it is a trade off between top speed and acceleration so there is a possibility that it could be a bit quicker but at the expense of "shove in the back" acceleration.

I would be interested to know if there is a substantial difference in weight and the "Christmas tree" at the back, as I might be trying to resolve something that may not actually be a problem!

Best wishes,

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Old 01 June 2006, 09:44   #12
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You have just taken delivery of your brand-new Scorpion. Surely Derek and the lads would have given you some indication as to what speeds you can expect to achieve. If you are doing significantly less than what they reckon, surely your recourse is back to Scorpion. I do not understand why you are faffing around with engine dealers etc when clearly you are not happy with the performance, or have I got it all wrong?
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Old 01 June 2006, 10:17   #13
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Yep mine as 80 gal tank twin batterys and double A frame plus radar reflectors etc etc. still think you should be getting a tad more speed what prop are you running.
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Old 01 June 2006, 11:08   #14
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40 knots seems abit slow to me and the Scorp hull should be a fast one. I would expect around 45knots minimum, give Scorpion a ring and sounds a nice boat by the way, although some pictures would be cool
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Old 01 June 2006, 23:13   #15
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OK, I have emailed Joy, who says she will speak to Graham about it.

The logic of going to see an Etec engineer is that I thought that any engine issues had to be sorted out by such a person. It looks like this may be an incorrect assumption.



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Old 02 June 2006, 11:33   #16
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That is one good looking rib
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Old 02 June 2006, 13:17   #17
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Old 02 June 2006, 20:58   #18
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Thanks Guys,

I think the picture is a bit too small but will post some better ones i.d.c.


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