Etec and volcanic ash
We're now getting a dose of volcanic ash in the deep south, from Mt Puyehue in Chile.
So ... is it safe to run an Etec with airborne ash deposits? I know last time we had this stuff when a volcano blew in 1991 it blocked up vehicle air filters but I'm not sure how good the Etec air filtering is (I'm not close to the boat at the minute) - a lot of marine engines are pretty basic, the Mermaids in the boat at work have a mesh filter you could stick a ballpoint pen through.
All local and international flights have been suspended at the moment and it's thick enough to be clearly visible in the air and leave deposits on vehicles.
Bonus is it seems to bring lovely calm weather so I will feel the call of the sea this weekend but not if it's going to bugger my engine up ... I can live with having to buy new air filters if they are up to the job of removing the fine particles but if there is any serious risk I'll leave her parked up for the moment...
Thoughts please?
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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