05 September 2010, 14:07
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726
Etec owners survey
I would like to do a quick poll of Etec owners on here.
Simple question really: what's broken on yours and at what age and hrs?
The reason I ask is that with my new one on the way I am wondering if I should keep a few bits on hand (the lead time for ordering stuff is going to be 3-4 weeks even if it is something small that will come by air so a sensor going pop at the wrong time of year it will stuff up a month's ribbing even if it will only be £20 and a 5 min job to change).
I've already got the obvious and service/wearing parts covered: spare prop and securing nuts, spare set of plugs, spare impeller, spare kill cord, spare filters.
Are there any sensors on the Etec (crank sensor?) or other parts that will kill the engine completely if they fail, and are relatively cheap to buy and relatively easy to change?
I don't want to spend a whole lot of money on parts lying around that will probably never be used but just wondering what is worth having as a measure to allow a quick fix (and maybe even worth carrying in the boat if it can be changed fairly easily).
I'll ask the question over on Barnacle Bill's as well but really just after feedback from the owners on here. I've done a search and read quite a few threads already and I get the impression there aren't a lot of problems but most of the threads were quite old ones.
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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05 September 2010, 17:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021
the TPS or throttle position sensor and CPS crank position sensor are both possibles also depending upon your local fuel quality possibly a spare injector. I would say gaskets and "o" rings for the gear box would be good.
The only warranty problems on mine have all been related to the power tilt system and a faulty top motor mount which are both unusual so I would not worry too much about it.
Thing is whatever you stock up on you can guarantee won't fail it will be the bits you don't think of !
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
05 September 2010, 20:29
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726
OK that sounds like two sensors that might be worth having, ta.
I've already decided to pass on injectors as I think I read somewhere that they are handed on a V6 so I'd need two which I am sure would be a few £ ... and the EMM is bound to be too expensive.
Anything else people have broken or exploded?
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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05 September 2010, 21:55
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
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Posts: 1,005
I've had a gearbox O-ring fail as well. It was replaced immediately under guarantee. The trim sensor has failed but the engineer mentioned it may have been damaged unintentionally when the engine was out the water. I've replaced the spark plugs twice (don't forget to index them - video showing how to do this is available here: http://www.etecownersgroup.com/post?id=4626865&trail=15
Consequence of hitting a rock at about 4kts: bent propeller (£540 to replace), broken skeg (needed to be rewelded), damaged prop shaft, clutch, reverse gearing, shifter cradle and numerous seals.
05 September 2010, 22:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: Magic II
Make: Tohatsu 6.1
Length: 6m +
Engine: Evinrude 115 E-tec
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Posts: 152
Nothing has failed but the gearbox drain and fill plug washers are hard nylon and do not like to be reused. They are only a few pence but worth haveing some available for when you check your gearbox oil.
05 September 2010, 23:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
Consequence of hitting a rock at about 4kts: bent propeller (£540 to replace), broken skeg (needed to be rewelded), damaged prop shaft, clutch, reverse gearing, shifter cradle and numerous seals.
Ouch, I bet that made you eyes water
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
06 September 2010, 00:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
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Posts: 7,866
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
bent propeller (£540 to replace),
Was it Gold plated?
Looks Slow but is Fast
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06 September 2010, 10:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Middlesex
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey
Length: 7m +
Engine: Etec 250 HO
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Posts: 37
Originally Posted by Chris
the TPS or throttle position sensor and CPS crank position sensor are both possibles also depending upon your local fuel quality possibly a spare injector. I would say gaskets and "o" rings for the gear box would be good.
The only warranty problems on mine have all been related to the power tilt system and a faulty top motor mount which are both unusual so I would not worry too much about it.
Thing is whatever you stock up on you can guarantee won't fail it will be the bits you don't think of !
Yup we just had our first service "the 1 hour check" - engine is 2 years old -. Couple of things done on the engine: according to the print out the TPS was out of sync so that was reset; it had completely wreaked the propshaft seal, the rubber had completely come away from the metal so that was replaced; one issue which is probably unique to ours was that the torsion hub had been but on back to front resulting in that splitting down the side  , obviously the gearbox oil was replaced and a couple of other things done but those are the only vaguely important things on the engine which might be of relevance to you.
Our only issue with the engine in general have been multiple instances of overheating, and this hasn't been cured by checking and cleaning the thermostat.
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
Consequence of hitting a rock at about 4kts: bent propeller (£540 to replace), broken skeg (needed to be rewelded), damaged prop shaft, clutch, reverse gearing, shifter cradle and numerous seals.
We had our service done by Graeme too, he said that it definitely was not the easiest job of his life sorting out yours
06 September 2010, 17:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Surrey
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Posts: 215
I have 17 injectors that i have replaced on customers engines in the last 3 years . If your engine was 2007 or before then i would say definetly a few injectors . I have had to replace one injector and the coefficients last year too a 2009 150hp . other than that the new one's are pretty good and I havent had a problem out in the field .
06 September 2010, 19:02
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,005
Originally Posted by Chris
Ouch, I bet that made you eyes water 
As I mentioned on a previous thread, this happened in front of the new barrage one mile inland from Mont St. Michel. I thought for a moment that the engine was disabled which would have been an absolute nightmare from the point of view of a recovery. Thankfully I was able to get home at reduced speed; the damage only becoming apparent when the boat was out of the water. And the prop, no, it's not gold-plated, but I agree for that price it should be!
By the way, they love me down at GT Marine. What other customer gives them credit on their YouTube videos?
06 September 2010, 19:38
Country: UK - Wales
Boat name: The Full Morty II
Make: Air Craft/Shakespere
Length: 8m +
Engine: Etec 300hp/Etec150hp
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 603
etec 225ho. had it 3 years no problems.....oh! the BRP badge fell off at speed.
06 September 2010, 20:04
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726
Originally Posted by outboardtech
I have 17 injectors that i have replaced on customers engines in the last 3 years .
What goes wrong with the injectors - electrical or mechanical fault? Does it just cause a misfire or does the EMM shut down to limp home revs or what is the usual way they fail?
Roughly how many Etec engines would you say you look after in total to produce that many failures? just wondering what the failure rate is.
The engine is a new 2010 motor
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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06 September 2010, 20:11
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
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Posts: 12,202
A copy of the diagnostic software & interface cable, essential
06 September 2010, 20:15
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: Thunder
Make: Halmatic Arctic 22
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2 x 150 Etec
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 523
No problems so far, engines are now 1 year old and have done about 60 hrs.
06 September 2010, 21:28
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
A copy of the diagnostic software & interface cable, essential
Already in hand
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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06 September 2010, 21:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by BogMonster
Already in hand 
Stephen you owe Pikey Dave a bit of a thumbs up as it was through him that I did not find the software that I don't have.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
06 September 2010, 21:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by BogMonster
What goes wrong with the injectors - electrical or mechanical fault? Does it just cause a misfire or does the EMM shut down to limp home revs or what is the usual way they fail?
Roughly how many Etec engines would you say you look after in total to produce that many failures? just wondering what the failure rate is.
The engine is a new 2010 motor 
The early ones suffered problems that were in large electrical failures. However the new ones (post 2008) had this dealt with. THe main issue is poor or contaminated fuel causing corrosion.
You can do a certain amout of servicing on the injectors however this is to only clean out a filter.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
07 September 2010, 00:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Chatham
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Make: Cobra
Length: 8m +
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Posts: 59
454 hrs. No Problems
Bought 2005.
Just had it serviced last week by Keith at Powertech.
New bits: new plugs, new water impellor. Only because they were 5yrs old.
Its not the angle of the dangle, it's the motion of the ocean.
07 September 2010, 01:08
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726
Thanks all. I'm not absolutely clear what arrangement is fitted to the boat in the way of a water separating fuel filter, but I assume something is as I asked for it. It'll probably only be filled up at the service station pump anyway so should not be a major problem but I'd rather prevent anything nasty getting anywhere near the injectors but it's nice to know there is a filter in there somewhere if needed.
Thumbs up to Mr Dave as the source of the software that nobody has
It seems that there are not too many major issues, which is good
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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07 September 2010, 11:30
Country: Austria
Town: HL
Boat name: StormChaser
Make: Humber OceanPro 6.3
Length: 6m +
Engine: Evinrude E-TEC 200HO
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 52
mine is a 150HO model 2008, build in 2007, 3 years old, about 160 hours, no issues
top engine, could not be more satisfied
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