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Old 02 September 2020, 20:49   #1
Country: UK - England
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Etec/zodiac pro

Hi everyone, is anyone running a 90 hp etec on a zodiac pro 12 man or ever owned one? The reason I ask is I'm having trouble getting engine height and prop size right so wondered what others have done. When I repowered with the etec I had it on top mounting holes with 15p prop which gave me 34 knts one up full fuel at 5400 rpm, it also wouldn't blow out at full trim, so in the never ending search for more speed I raised engine one hole and put 17p prop on which gave me 36 knts at 5200 rpm but ventilated easily and put small cavitation scratches on the blades near the hub, also with heavy load (6 adults) would only do 4600rpm and 29 knts, would like to get nearer 38 knts but am I being over optimistic? Any input appreciated, cheers, nobby.
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Old 03 September 2020, 10:39   #2
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The best way to get more speed out of that boat is fit a 19p prop on a ........bigger engine. I think the 90 is giving its best tbh.
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Old 03 September 2020, 12:01   #3
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for reply Dave, I should've got a 115 but the boats max rating is 90 so then I'd probably have insurance issues�� I'm thinking about another prop with more rake and cup, but it's all a bit of weird science to me, plus it starts to get expensive if it's just trial and error, any one know of an aggressive prop that would help? At the moment the 15p was a turning point hustler which was okay with engine as low as it would go, but one hole up it would only do 30knts and I get hardly any trim range and the 17p is a solas amita which I've only tried one hole up and get 36 knts but hardly any trim and ventilation on turns and rough water. I tried these props because they are supposed to be bow lifting but don't really seem to do much, sorry for the essay, cheers, nobby.
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Old 03 September 2020, 18:29   #4
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Originally Posted by nob View Post
Thanks for reply Dave, I should've got a 115 but the boats max rating is 90 so then I'd probably have insurance issues�� I'm thinking about another prop with more rake and cup, but it's all a bit of weird science to me, plus it starts to get expensive if it's just trial and error, any one know of an aggressive prop that would help? At the moment the 15p was a turning point hustler which was okay with engine as low as it would go, but one hole up it would only do 30knts and I get hardly any trim range and the 17p is a solas amita which I've only tried one hole up and get 36 knts but hardly any trim and ventilation on turns and rough water. I tried these props because they are supposed to be bow lifting but don't really seem to do much, sorry for the essay, cheers, nobby.

Personally I think you’re getting the best out of the outfit. If you start overpropping & dropping the WOT, you’ll end up killing the engine. IIRC the sweet spot WOT for that engine is 5600rpm. You are going to sacrifice everyday handling/holeshot/agility for once in a blue moon top end. The Etec 90hp isn’t the best engine in the 3cyl lineup as it is, it’s considered the weakest of the 60/75/90 range. Be happy & enjoy what you have.
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Old 04 September 2020, 08:42   #5
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Just increasing pitch alone isnt going to help performance or speed. As Dave says your not far away but if you want that little more I'd be looking at a stainless 3 blade 15" which with better blade shape and cupping will probably give you closer to what you want.
Unfortunately prop tuning can be an expensive game of trail and error but to get the best you need to go to stainless rather than ally & for pure top end a 3 blade will usually outperform a 4 blade.
Maybe speaking to one of the prop specialists would be a good idea as prop tuning is a bit of a dark art & can be costly.
Or be happy 2 kts slower[emoji6]
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Old 04 September 2020, 10:36   #6
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Many thanks for the input guys, much appreciated, you're right Dave, it's pretty rare i can go flat out so I think I'll be dropping the motor back down and sticking with the 15p for better handling 👍 and thanks beamishken, I guess a stainless would be the way to go so maybe I'll look into that and see if it's worth bothering, anyway, weather's looking good next week so I'll be putting work on hold and getting out and doing some day trips up and down the coast, cheers all, nobby.
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Old 16 September 2020, 10:04   #7
Country: Australia
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Boat name: QL744N
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Engine: 90 HpETEC +10 hp aux
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I have the same setup here in Australia
Zodiac 12 man pro. Etec 90.
New Etec and prop setup by a reputable dealer before we owned it.
Set on 2nd mounting hole. Prop Viper 13 7/8 x15 . 5150 rpm @WOT
Top Speed 33-34 Knts. 2 up with full tank + aux engine with 15l fuel
Great hole shot and low end grunt. Still performs well when loaded up with 6 + 100kg of “stuff”
I am happy with this performance and would not want to trade off grunt for extra top speed.
I have no prop selection experience so just offering this info as a reference point.
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Old 16 September 2020, 11:45   #8
Country: UK - England
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Many thanks for the info laurence, that's actually the prop I was considering! How do you find it grips with the engine up one hole, does it ventilate easily on turns and are you able to trim it out much, also does it lift the bow much when trimmed out, sorry for all the questions, just trying not to waste money. Apparently these boats run quite flat so I may be wasting my time trying to get the nose up but it just feels a bit low when trimmed out, thanks again for your help, cheers, nobby.
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Old 16 September 2020, 11:57   #9
Country: Australia
Town: Tea Gardens NSW
Boat name: QL744N
Make: Zodiac
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Engine: 90 HpETEC +10 hp aux
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Grip is fine. No ventilation even when turning aggressively. . I don't have any past boat to compare but to me the bow trims up ok, nice stance to cut into waves etc. Based on how ours behaves, you wont get more speed but just a well balanced result. The strongest vote of confidence is that this setup was done by a good dealer who would have had access to multiple props to compare.

We spend most of our time along the coast fishing and up to 7-8 km offshore when it is the whale migration season along the NSW coast. The Pacific is a "big pond" so has non trivial swell and windchop. We are confident and happy in the boat as long as we don't get too ambitious with weather conditions. We are comfortable up to 25 KM/hr wind and 2m swell. Above that the crew (mrs) starts to protest! (The boat would be happy in worse).
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Old 16 September 2020, 12:23   #10
Country: UK - England
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Awesome, thanks laurence 👍.... I suppose my next post will be 'anyone got a 15pitch viper for sale'!!...cheers.
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Old 16 September 2020, 16:38   #11
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Hi Noby

This might help: -
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Old 17 September 2020, 00:33   #12
Country: Australia
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Boat name: QL744N
Make: Zodiac
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Engine: 90 HpETEC +10 hp aux
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Just to clarify, our etec is on the 2nd hole from top as per photo. Also has a fin added
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