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Old 18 December 2017, 11:21   #1
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evinrude 225 to 300 upgrade (warranty expired)

Dear all,

been looking at some specs and it seems like the e-tec 225 and 300 are the same engine but with electronic limitations.

i have a 225 mounted (warranty expired so comments about this is not necessary).

does anyone know or have experience on how to "unleash" the final hp?

best, Daniel
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Old 18 December 2017, 15:51   #2
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Originally Posted by danielg View Post
Dear all,

been looking at some specs and it seems like the e-tec 225 and 300 are the same engine but with electronic limitations.

i have a 225 mounted (warranty expired so comments about this is not necessary).

does anyone know or have experience on how to "unleash" the final hp?

best, Daniel

It’s not easy, if even possible. You would need an EMM for a 300hp for starters & they dont come cheap. There will be several variants of the same EMM depending on engine year, so you would need the correct EMM for your engine hardware. The normal procedure for replacing an EMM is to plug the old EMM into the diagnostic software & download the engine data including the injector coefficients to the laptop. You then fit the new EMM to the engine & upload the data, you are effectively cloning the EMM, I’ve done it & it takes around 1/2hour from start to finish, but that’s doing a like for like swap. When you upload the engine data to the new EMM, it performs a check to ensure that you aren’t trying to do what you are trying to do. The only way I can think of doing it, is to buy a second hand (salvage?) EMM of a 300 & try plugging it in & then uploading the injector coefficients from your engine. You would have to save them first from the old EMM. If you don’t program your engine coefficients in, you run a high risk of frying the power head. It probably can be done, but not without some inside knowledge of the workings of the EMM software.

A good place to start would be on the Etec owners group run by Barnacle Bill.

Good luck
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Old 31 December 2017, 18:18   #3
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Not possible there are also some physical changes that would need to be considered. The money you would spend would be better off putting towards one of the new G2 E-TECS.
Chris Stevens

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Old 02 January 2018, 00:33   #4
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Do they not use the standard Bosch ecu with buds for diagnostics then? Nprotuning sweden might be able to help if they do.
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Old 02 January 2018, 07:46   #5
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friend of mine has 2 x etec 300 HP 80 hrs on each (1 x LH, 1xRH).

If I remember asking price was 15k EUR per each. Maybe still under guarantee.

You can ask him directly: https://www.facebook.com/michal.majkelowaty1234

He is one of the spectre boat builders.
I'm sure you can buy one of them for good price.
If you sell current maybe it be good solution
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Old 02 January 2018, 11:26   #6
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Originally Posted by HDAV View Post
Do they not use the standard Bosch ecu with buds for diagnostics then? Nprotuning sweden might be able to help if they do.

Nope, they are a bespoke watercooled ECU that also contains the charging circuit regulators. There are one or two outfits in the states that have managed to repair/upgrade them but it's not easy or cheap.
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