24 September 2009, 19:24
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Evinrude 250hp E-Tec Major Problems!!
Have had a 250hp e-tec fitted to my boat for 2 1/2 years and has been nothing but trouble. It only has 235hrs use and has a list of problems which have left me with no confidence in the engine and was wondering if anybody else has had similar issues.
Below is list of a few of the issues.
After approx 2 months power head was found to be loose and gaskets blowing (this required removal and re-fitting of powerhead)
A short time later the main engine wiring loom was chaffing off the block and shorted out.
(This was repaired initially, but later failed again and had to have a new loom fitted)
Bushings on tilt pin have now been replaced twice.
After approx 1 year the power head had to be removed again as the exchanger plate?? was cracked and leaking water into engine cowling. (this was replaced along with new gaskets)
Gear box seals have been replaced 3 times as gear oil was leaking out off vent hole on side of leg.
Bottom mounts are completely gone and have cracket outer casings as well as having wore paint of main casings from day one!
Plug leads are arcing off bottom injectors and are wearing holes into unit.
Earth cables on plug leads are corroded and broken on 4 leads
Trim power leads are completely worn through.
Command Unit has failed but has been replaced.
This is to name a few of the issues and I now don't feel happy taking my children out on the boat as I'm just waiting for the next issue!
Evinrude have told me that my warranty is up in February and they have no intention of extending it!
Surely with a list of problems like this from day one and an engine that has been rebuilt twice I am not being unreasonable to expect some sort of extention to my warranty!
Has anybody else had these sort of problems with these engines and did they get them resolved. I would appreciate any information people may have.
24 September 2009, 20:17
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I think your friend has posted your problems in a separate thread:
24 September 2009, 20:22
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By the sound of it the engine was duff from the start - some of the problems appear to be from the repairs carried out - for example the chaffing of the wiring loom.
24 September 2009, 20:22
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E-tec problems with 60 and 150hp
I had problems with my 2007 60hp E-tec after 70hrs of running time the data box died. Took 3 weeks to get it replaced. Not funny at all. The Evinrude guys said that this rarely happens.
I have a friend who has had severe problems with his 150hp E-tec 2008. The first season the pistons jammed, this summer the drivetrain broke. Now there are mystic sounds when reversing.. The Evinrude guys said that this rarely happens.
I bought the E-tec because of the compactness and long service intervals. Please tell forum members about your E-tec adventures, positive or negative.
24 September 2009, 22:41
Country: UK - England
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Sounds like you need to find a dealer who has a clue.
The biggest problem E-tecs have is their dealer network IMO.
Good luck
Chris Stevens
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24 September 2009, 23:14
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The Evinrude guys said that this rarely happens
yeh right!!
24 September 2009, 23:28
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Originally Posted by wavedancer
Evinrude have told me that my warranty is up in February and they have no intention of extending it!
Surely with a list of problems like this from day one and an engine that has been rebuilt twice I am not being unreasonable to expect some sort of extention to my warranty
if this were my engine and in the UK, it would have been rejected as not fit for purpose some time ago. The fact you have "accepted" it for so long, and that there are no current faults doesn't stand in your favour. Your sale of goods legislation will be slightly different - but over here my understanding is you should stop using the item and ideally return it to them asking for a full refund. I note that in the UK you would return it to the dealer not to evinrude, as that is who your "contract" is with.
24 September 2009, 23:43
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The Evinrude guys said that this rarely happens
Originally Posted by matt h
yeh right!! 
25 September 2009, 04:17
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etecs suck
if anyone has ever had a new ski doo sled they are throw aways after a year mega wireing issues. The outboard etecs are the same just poorly made to make money replacing parts dealer care to sound off what great outboards you sell but the proof is in the sadness in owning one of the piles of dung . I really wanted one till I met a dealer in a town close to me and got to see first hand the problems in hard to make money they have wasted on this brand I bought a merc and found there is really one brand really Yamaha maybe a zuki maybe all things are going high tech meaning less running time in the longrun cheers wish I was wrong Im sure some will disagree and have the right to do so
25 September 2009, 13:23
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Had ours for 2.5 yrs now and done about 150hrs.
Never missed a beat and always started instantly. Uses very little fuel and oil. So far, not spent 1 penny on it as the first service is not for another 6 months.
One very pleased owner.
25 September 2009, 19:39
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I am concerned at your experiences, as I have been considering these engines for the next bigger RIB.
What I cannot tally, is if they are of such poor quality, why do the majority of the commercial RIBs that Humber supply have them as standard? These boats do the bighours and from a commercial propsective, that would be suicide.
25 September 2009, 20:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
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Originally Posted by 250kts
I am concerned at your experiences, as I have been considering these engines for the next bigger RIB.
What I cannot tally, is if they are of such poor quality, why do the majority of the commercial RIBs that Humber supply have them as standard? These boats do the bighours and from a commercial propsective, that would be suicide.
You have hit the nail one the head. E-tecs are superb engines, let's be honest you will only hear about the ones that do suffer problems on these forums and the fact that Quinqari fit them to most of their boats should give you an idea of their true reliability.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
25 September 2009, 20:14
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Originally Posted by Chris
let's be honest you will only hear about the ones that do suffer problems on these forums
Nonsense Chris, mine are fantastic!
... and then there's Mollers, his is great too, and while he only has the one, it's a lot bigger...
25 September 2009, 20:46
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Originally Posted by Chris
You have hit the nail one the head. E-tecs are superb engines, let's be honest you will only hear about the ones that do suffer problems on these forums and the fact that Quinqari fit them to most of their boats should give you an idea of their true reliability.
Which may be true .. but like all things mechanical .. there are sometimes bad examples no matter how good the manufacturer claims to be.
What annoys me is that some dealers stand by their product and refuse point blank to refer to the manufacturer and say "we have a problem here"
Sometimes its down to the warranty arrangements between the dealer and the manufacturer, but they are most definately not the CUSTOMERS problem
To the OP .. get the hell on to Evinrude, and the dealer .. and tell them you've had enough .. and will continue posting HERE and everywhere else .. untill you get some form of guarantee for the work already carried out, and that this engine you bought in good faith does what it was supposed to.
Did you buy it outright or finance it ?
I echo your worries about going to sea with less than 100% confidence
Dont know your consumer rights in Ireland, but get busy and find out fast, and make someone accountable for the money you spent in good faith on the product you deserve to have
*edit* Sorry Ribnet .. I've been needing a rant all day !!
25 September 2009, 21:27
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Originally Posted by willk
Nonsense Chris, mine are fantastic!
... and then there's Mollers, his is great too, and while he only has the one, it's a lot bigger...
I've held off from posting on this thread as I, unlike some, don't feel the need to wave the flag for the manfacturer of every componant on my boat.
I did my homework at reasonable length before choosing the Etec, I'm very pleased with it and right now, I'd buy another without hesitation.
The dealer I bought it through was and is excellent and I'm sure, should a problem occur within the 5yr warranty period, he'd deal with it.
In my book, if unsure, look over the pond. 1000's of Etecs have been sold in North America, if they were inherantly flawed, it would be plastered all over the forums. It's not, they love them.
Pick any brand and with a quick search, you'll bring up horror stories, 250 Suzi's blowing-up in Norway, Opti's eating compressors, Yams corroding and on and on...
26 September 2009, 23:15
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the quinqaris i drive use the twin 200 etec set up. general consensus seems to be that up to 1000 hours they're pretty bulletproof, over that then parts need to start being replaced.
injectors seem to be the priciest bits, especially on the newer engines and go at about 1500 hours i think. we've got 2 etecs with just over 3000 hours on them! mind you, thats a different usage pattern to 100 hours spread over a season. my thoughts are they're always a bit agricultural sounding until warmed up, will start in the coldest of weather, put out an amazing lot of grunt compared to equivalent power 4 stroke and are particularly clunky through the gearbox. can't say much positive about the fuel consumtion though, they eat fuel compared to 4 stroke at anything above half throttle.
i'm sure there will always be a dud in the batch though and it sounds like the OP has got a particularly duff one. back to the manfr i suggest.
27 September 2009, 02:20
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Can't help you on the Problems I'm afraid, but apart from the early problems with my DI which is essentually a for runner of the Etec, I've been very happy with it.
Dealers however......The one that Sold, Fitted and PDI'ed the motor was utter crap (BRP Agent). The customer wasn't allways right  and I found them very difficult to work with, so much so that I ended up moving to my local Dealer.
By talking to BRP direct I found them to be as helpful as one could discussing problems over the phone. In the end BRP sent a man out to get the oil pump replaced as the incompitent dealer didn't seem to have a clue.
this was 2 years ago.
Hope you get satisfaction in the end.
Looks Slow but is Fast
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27 September 2009, 09:59
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My nearest Etec agents are expensive Merc/Yam/Honda 'jacks of all trades'.
27 September 2009, 19:58
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Mollers
My nearest Etec agents are expensive Merc/Yam/Honda 'jacks of all trades'. 
Race Marine at Taunton are the best I have found and closer to Cornwall than most
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
27 September 2009, 20:35
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
What annoys me is that some dealers stand by their product and refuse point blank to refer to the manufacturer and say "we have a problem here"
I agree - a number of years back, a local Ermintrood dealer was trying to flog me a FICHT motor, saying how marvellous they were, knowing he'd had loads of them back in with blown powerheads
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