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Old 16 March 2003, 11:46   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Evinrude Dealer


Can anyone recommend a Evinrude dealer in the South coast of England (Weymouth area) who could service my 90 Ficht.

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Old 16 March 2003, 12:15   #2
Country: UK - England
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I have used 2. L and J Marine in New Milton, and South Coast RIBs in Christchurch. Not Weymouth but they are both good.
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Old 17 March 2003, 10:39   #3
Country: Ireland
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Evinrude spares etc

Hi I have some good and bad news here, having just undertaken to service 2 x75hp Ficht Rams myself and Tim found huge variations in prices of parts.We ended up servicing them ourselves, as they are two strokes there is no valves, cam chain etc, no four stroke oil either.Basically its down to plugs which should be changed every 100 hours our plugs were XC12 PEPB if your engine is relatively new it may have the same plug as us, the bad news is Evinrude have bought the rights to these Champion plug and they retail in Ireland at 19.60 euro each we got them on line from the US at 4.50 each.The plugs must be indexed ie the open part of the electrode faces the injector, therefore must be torqued in, this often results in them cracking on removal (porcelean) dont remove a plug unless you have a replacement .The gear oil is next use Evinrude gear oil with its neat pump dispenser, remove bottom drain plug on gearbox place container underneath remove top bleed plug,this lets air in and oil out,using the Evinrude dispenser pump screwed into the bottom u can easily pump the .75l approx needed for the gear box.The pump comes screwed to the container of oil.Before u do the oil change look at the Anodes this is vital as anodes may look okay, until weighed against a new one.Anodes remember protect other metal compononts from electrolis ie props ,there are 3 anodes on your motor , a cube anode above the cavitation plate, a prop bearing carrier anode behind the prop in the gear housing, and a transmon mounted anode where the out board anode meets the transom. Part no for the cavitation plate anode is om 393023 part no for the transom one is om 433580 and the prop bearing carrier one is om 431708 they can be found here here is the site for plugs this is also worth a look if your engine is 2000 onwards it will take those above mentioned plug if not check here you will also find articles on plug indexing here The most difficult job with this service is replacing if required the prop bearing carrier anode, remember the nuts bolts etc on the Ficht are not metric, the OMC stuff is imperail to remove the anode located behind the prop use the two bolts retaing the transom anode to thread into the assembly behind the prop, we made a home made plate to pull this assembly out, make sure no oil in the gearbox before doing this.One other problem was the cavitation anode came with no threads tap this out to 12mm metric it will do fine.I f you just go plugs and gear oil u will service the motor in an hour and a half good luck and if you need any more info let me know gavin
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Old 17 March 2003, 11:51   #4
Country: Other
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As an aside Gavin, how are you and Tim getting on with the Hysucat jockey seat project? Pics if poss?
Also, there was a lot of correspondence between Tim and I last year concerning your top speed and how to get more out of the Rib - were there any improvements made?
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Old 18 March 2003, 20:29   #5
Country: Ireland
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Hi Charles, OK we finnished the Jockey seats and they are the business, if you look on rib Gallery you will find pictures of them, He hard part was making the mould, after that it was a piece of piss...... We still havent made back rests yet thought, its Part lazyness and part 'we will do it next week'....We also tweeked the Rib a bit, the Bench seat with 2x50L tanks is foward now, near the bow, and the batterys are moved into the main consoule with the other 50L tank, The Handling of the rib is vastly improved, although the top speed is only up to 38kn with 150L fuel 2 people and Props slighly under pitched, So its fine for us, we would prefer to put the money for props into the diesel rib fund........ But we have massive gains on crusing speed, before 4000rpm was 21knts now its 27knts, and that all down to weight distrabution, and the foils working better.

The Rib is the dogs Bo***x , and the shit we go out in most of the time, I am suprised it hasent broken up yet, The Jockey seats are a god send, changes the whole boat, and how hard you can go....
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Old 18 March 2003, 23:08   #6
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Sorry Tarbh

The said seating
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Old 19 March 2003, 08:33   #7
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
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Can you e-mail me some better pics of what you have done, Tim/Gavin, particularly with the seats in situ. I will print them off and show Malan.
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