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Old 02 November 2008, 21:06   #1
Country: USA
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Boat name: shallowrunner
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Evinrude eTec

Any members here who have one of the eTec outboards would like to provide some feedback on how they like it? I am considering (someday) repowering my boat with either a 90 or more likely a 115 eTec and wanted to hear from someone who actually has one.

I run the flats a lot (extreme shallow water) fishing with a tunnel-hull boat designed to run super skinny water. The few people I have talked to who have one have said they really like it so far. I have not seen very many out on the water yet.
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Old 02 November 2008, 21:51   #2
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Osprey
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I have had a 115 and now have a 150. Both brilliant engines. BRP Provide agood back up and as long as you get it rigged properly it won't cause you any problems.

If you want a LOT of info about E-tecs being used on the sort of boat you are looking to repower then check out the E-tec owners forum here

Etec Owners Forum

It is hosted by Barnacle Bills in the US and there are a lot of very knowledgable guys on there.

You may want to check out the new 115HO or 130 which are the same as the 115 but with a little more power and new gearbox (on the HO)
Chris Stevens

Born fiddler
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Old 02 November 2008, 21:53   #3
Country: UK - England
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I had a 90 etec on a boat i have just sold . I would definatly buy another one if i needed another 90 .
It had a lot more go than the 90 4 strokes I got to try eg honda vtec and suzook and I think the considerable wieght saving was its main advantage for smaller boats .
Fuel consumption was also very good , not much more than the 70 suzuki I had on a much lighter rib .

I guess for each size different makes are better or lighter so the 115 may not be as good an opti etc can only comment on what I owned and tried
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Old 03 November 2008, 18:53   #4
Country: Ireland
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60hp etec

I have a 60 hp Etec I do not have a lot of expeance with it but I do like it a lot. I like the self winterisng factility. I have it set up to use XD 100 (expensive) but it does not use much of the stuff. It can run on lower grade oils if it is set up by the dealer but I believ that this leads to the blocking up of the oil injection ports and the problems that go with that. It is quite at tink over and plently powerful for my 5 m rib. I have just bought a 21 " pitch prop so I dont know what the new mak speed is with the new prop. I could get approx 33 kn with a 19" prop

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Old 04 November 2008, 18:09   #5
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
I've had a 90 ETEC on my RIB for 2 years. Plenty of hours (300+) with no trouble, other than water in the fuel -which would knock out any outboard. I like it, just turn the key and it GOES!
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