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Old 26 February 2012, 23:19   #1
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Evinrude Outboard

Hi all,
Anyone know the age of this outboard and if there any good or any good/bad points about these?

Hope someone can help.
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Old 27 February 2012, 02:05   #2
Country: Canada
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Looks like a very good condition late 70's or early 80's before the 25hp went to through hub exhaust. Very reliable and easy to work on. I prefer the later through hub model myself.
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Old 27 February 2012, 14:42   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
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That's exactly what it is.

They are remarkably light (something like 26 KG for the manual start version). Coil & point ignition, no deadman (unless it's been retro fitted by the previous owner)

The front panel has two uneccesary adjustments, presumably installed as they reckoned a lot of their sales were going to be towed between sea and canadian mountain lakes. - "lid on" adjustment of both idle and WOT mix. Totally uneccesary for UK markets. The plus side is you can remove the rod & knob (best so you donlt accidentally adjust them!) , blank one hole with a grommet, and use the other for the deadman switch... Should also warn you the Electric start version had a weird multiplug on the friont case. 20 odd years of looking and I;ve not found a loom socke to mate with it..... Not sure what the manual start version plug was like, but I'm giruessing you may have a similar issue, but the deadman switch as mentioned above can als obe replaced by a connector or wire grommet....

I did look at prop options, and from memory the choice was 9" or 10", although I may be thinking of the 4 of a similar vintage. Props are a bit more tricky to find, and the gearbox is axially split so is a b@st@rd to re- seal if it's been dismantled, so check the 'box oil and if milky make sure you have a reputable 'Rude workshop to hand!

That looks like a short shaft - and like all 'rudes of the time Long involved adding a space between the bottom of the leg & gearbox, along with longer driveshaft, gear actuator, water & exhaust pipes. Plenty lying in spares skips round the country.

Only issue we've had is the cam follower on the throttle the roller is held in place by an O-ring (!) needless to say it's worth replacing it annually......

Yeah, they are old tec, but when set up properly (i.e mixture controls not been fiddled with!) they are very reliable. That looks like a nice example.
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Old 27 February 2012, 18:03   #4
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Originally Posted by 9D280
That's exactly what it is.

They are remarkably light (something like 26 KG for the manual start version). Coil & point ignition, no deadman (unless it's been retro fitted by the previous owner)

The front panel has two uneccesary adjustments, presumably installed as they reckoned a lot of their sales were going to be towed between sea and canadian mountain lakes. - "lid on" adjustment of both idle and WOT mix. Totally uneccesary for UK markets. The plus side is you can remove the rod & knob (best so you donlt accidentally adjust them!) , blank one hole with a grommet, and use the other for the deadman switch... Should also warn you the Electric start version had a weird multiplug on the friont case. 20 odd years of looking and I;ve not found a loom socke to mate with it..... Not sure what the manual start version plug was like, but I'm giruessing you may have a similar issue, but the deadman switch as mentioned above can als obe replaced by a connector or wire grommet....

I did look at prop options, and from memory the choice was 9" or 10", although I may be thinking of the 4 of a similar vintage. Props are a bit more tricky to find, and the gearbox is axially split so is a b@st@rd to re- seal if it's been dismantled, so check the 'box oil and if milky make sure you have a reputable 'Rude workshop to hand!

That looks like a short shaft - and like all 'rudes of the time Long involved adding a space between the bottom of the leg & gearbox, along with longer driveshaft, gear actuator, water & exhaust pipes. Plenty lying in spares skips round the country.

Only issue we've had is the cam follower on the throttle the roller is held in place by an O-ring (!) needless to say it's worth replacing it annually......

Yeah, they are old tec, but when set up properly (i.e mixture controls not been fiddled with!) they are very reliable. That looks like a nice example.
Thanks for the replies. Didn't understand much of that, am a true novice with outboards.

Also seen this:

It's been updated to a 15hp from a 9.9hp, should this be given a wide birth?
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Old 27 February 2012, 18:17   #5
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
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Posts: 4,671
Sorry. Will rephrase.

It's light.
It's easily repairable
It has two uneccesary controls that make it look a lot more complicated than it is
It doesn't have an emergency stop switch with a lanyard, but they're reasy to fit.
it has a stoopid rubber ring holding a part on the throttle mechanism that falls off occasionally. Easy to fix, worth doing annually, part cost is about £3.

As for the 15, the uprate is likely not the thing that may have killed it. Uprates usually involve removing some kind of restriction that basically means it can only go to 3/4 throttle kind of idea. Numerous ways of doing it. What will have caused damage is if it has, for example, been run with a knackered water pump.
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Old 03 March 2012, 13:53   #6
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Thanks for you help.
Am going to look at the Evinrude this afternoon.
What do you think would be reasonable to pay for it assuming it is as described and in good working order?
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Old 05 March 2012, 12:30   #7
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
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Engine that age is a tricky one.

As a buyer I'd be thinking "40-ish YO engine, runner so £2-300". As a seller I;d be thinking "immaculate engine for it's age, light, runner so £3-400"

Also unless you know this history & do compression checks etc you don't know how gubbed the cyls are.

As I;ve not been on since Friday this is all probably a bit late, so did you go for it?
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Old 06 March 2012, 17:02   #8
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I went to look at it and it wouldn't start. The seller said he hasn't started it since last year and physically couldn't.
It sold for £560 though!
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Old 07 March 2012, 10:06   #9
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
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Posts: 4,671
Originally Posted by lockieboi View Post
I went to look at it and it wouldn't start. The seller said he hasn't started it since last year and physically couldn't.
It sold for £560 though!
As in didn't turn? At all? Someone paid too much if so.

They aren't the smoothest things to pull start, but if you got your foot on the transom they aren't that much of a haul on the string. If it was that difficult, either his engine stand wasn't sturdy enough or not getitng it is probably the best outcome!

Wow. Anyone want a Johnson 1972 vintage?
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Old 08 March 2012, 17:31   #10
Country: Canada
Town: Yellowknife CANADA
Make: Zodiac MkI & Aerotec
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Engine: OMC 2hp/15hp/60hp
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When they are in good shape they should start first or second pull assuming that the fuel has been pumped into the carb first. Also I've always run the carb dry before removing from the water and I've never had any problems with them.
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