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Old 19 October 2005, 18:51   #21
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Sea Quell
Make: Picton Cobra
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My/the manual does say 100hrs or 1 year - whichever is the soonest.
........... though I have greased all the grease points twice during the "season"....... except for the fact that I still can't get grease down to the lower bearing on the pivot shaft !! I have also followed the rules of opening the cowl, saying nice things ......... like WOW ....
My local merc man does suggest that at 50hrs you - change the gear oil for synthetic, drop the box to check the impellor and grease the gearbox mounting bolts - since they are dry assembled and it can be fun trying to seperate when you do need to change the impellor later ?
I have opted !!! for this - even though I have done 60 hrs before I could get round to it.
GREAT motors
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Old 19 October 2005, 19:54   #22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Paul F
News to me, so if engine is not checked until 100hrs from new how does this effect warranty??
Simply answer is it won't effect your warranty. The service intervals are 100hrs or once a year.
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Old 26 October 2005, 18:19   #23
Country: UK - England
Town: Hoylake,Wirral
Boat name: Deerider and Beast
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Posts: 19
Originally Posted by nugent
i do beleive nothing really happens on 10 hrs also just check its bolted to transom. and the like,, only curious if any thing wa sdone to the brain via DDT adaptor???
normal service naturally i will put it be done aint wrecking my hard earned near miss now,,,,

A 10 hr service on tohatsu outboards is the most impotant one down to the fact that all the head bolts and exhaust cover bolts and mouting bolts are re-torqued after the engine has bedded in. Also compression checks are done as an early indication that all is going smoothly. and again the gearbox oil is changed again due to the bedding in of the box.

Ladrovers and RIBS what agreat combination
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Old 27 October 2005, 17:30   #24
Country: UK - England
Town: Solent
Boat name: Hammertime
Make: 6.3 RIB
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Engine: Mercury 115 Optimax
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 10
Had a 10 hour service done at 12 hours on a new 115 Optimax this season. Just involved the dealer plugging in a gizmo and running a diagnostics check to see everthing was running as it should be and that the oil mix had reverted to normal as it runs double oil for the first ten hours. Took about 2 mins and just gave me peace of mind.

Next service after 100hrs! Anyone out there got any thoughts on winterisation services - are they necessary or service engineers drumming up business to pay for their xmas presents... Surely a quick service in the spring before it goes back in is more useful so long as you are not keeping our boat on or next to the water all winter.

Evinrude E-tecs dont need any services for the first 3 yrs! but apparently the larger range (200+) are suffering from blowing up problems. maybe they are not the answer the 2 stroke v's 4 stroke debate after all.
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Old 27 October 2005, 19:13   #25
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by archie720
Had a 10 hour service done at 12 hours on a new 115 Optimax this season.

Next service after 100hrs! Anyone out there got any thoughts on winterisation services - are they necessary or service engineers drumming up business to pay for their xmas presents... Surely a quick service in the spring before it goes back in is more useful so long as you are not keeping our boat on or next to the water all winter.
It's an interesting point. My boat is laid up for about 5-6 months so I have it winterised. I do the annual service at the end of the season and combine it with winterisation. Works out much cheaper and boat is ready to go whenever the season starts.
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