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Old 18 November 2007, 18:08   #1
Country: France
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Boat name: kai 2
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Posts: 105
Fogging Oil - how and when to use it?

I have a Yamaha F4A outboard that sits in a somewhat damp shed near the river when not in use.

It is not yet one year old.

It has been used sporadically over the summer and autumn, for a total of about 20 hours.

In November, it refused to start. Upon stripping the engine, it was found to have;

a) jammed throttle valve shaft (corrosion)
b) seized exhaust valve (corrosion)
c) dirty carb due to corrosion

I have now cleaned all these parts up, deseized them, changed the engine oil (no sign of water here) and the motor runs like a dream again. The corrosion was in fact relatively minor - quite easy to clean up, but enough to seize the parts in question solid.

So my question is, who uses fogging oil, and what technique do you employ, as clearly I need some for the future! I will henceforth keep this engine well away from the damp shed. Also, has anyone else experienced these kind of corrosion problems? I also have a Yamaha 60 and 100hp sitting in my garage, which is not really damp, but I am concerned about leaving them overwinter.
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Old 18 November 2007, 18:37   #2
Country: UK - England
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It really is worth greaseing the moving parts some use WD 40 but if you spray it on the loom it tends to make any insulating tape adhesive go all gooe _ee.Use grease on a small stiff brush on the linkage WD40 on the ally parts and outside and mounting brackets.WD40 does evaporate so i find this better as it tends not to pick up the dirt when you start to use it again
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Old 18 November 2007, 18:43   #3
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Buy a can-the type below has the instructions are on it (it's easier than me explaining it!)

Spray it on all the external moving parts too.

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