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Old 21 September 2024, 16:26   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 52
Follow on from "Should I be worried?"

Following on from the helpful replies to my issues with a trashed impeller, either my engine has a fault OR it's now working fine, but not sure - let me explain.

Engine is Tohatsu MFS60 (2023)

I changed the impeller / gaskets etc (OEM parts) and refitted the gear box.

Filled a barrel (no muffs) and started the engine - at Idle I noticed that there was a lot of spay coming from the front of the leg about 1/2 way up and NO tell-tale. Increasing the revs to fast idle, spray continued and a tell-tale appeared with fair pressure. Back to idle the tell-tale disappears.

I have flushed the engine to try and be sure of removing debris - Thermostat off and flush / when the gearbox was off, I attached a hose to the water tube and instant tell-tale at good pressure - nothing coming out of the front of the leg.

I have checked that the water tube does actually go into the water pump housing (it does) when the gear box is pushed back on - there's no O ring or the like and I can't see one on the parts list so assume that it's just fits.

I have pulled the pump housing apart and used a smear of gasket sealant on each layer and am pretty sure that that is secure.

So I am wondering why am I getting water out of the front of the leg when the GB is attached but not when i put a hose straight onto the water tube? Is it something to do with the water pressure at the pump housing being redirected until the revs increase?

This summer just gone, with a mashed impeller, I was getting a tell-tale at idle without fail.

I attach a pic of the leg without it's plastic cover to give an idea of where the water is coming out.
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Old 22 September 2024, 09:17   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 52
Woke up at 5am with the thundering realisation that I had not transferred the rubber grommet seal from the old water pump house head to the new one.
Honestly if brains were dynamite I'd not have enough to blow the lid off a jam jar.
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Old 22 September 2024, 10:38   #3
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Ahh those waking up realisations are the best when they sort the job.
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