I thought I'd start a new thread just to do with this work. I had read a lot of threads online and today I decided to convert my newly acquired 9.9 to a 15hp.
This is a 2006 engine, but as I understand it, the engine design didn't really change for about 20 years from mid nineties til a couple of years ago.
There are two aspects to doing this work:
1. Adjusting the reed valves
2. Removing the throttle limiter.
First off was adjusting the reed valves.
The reed valves sit on a plate between the carb and the block, so to get at it you need to remove the carb. These 2 10mm bolts go through the plastic airbox (?) and the carb.
There were then various linkages between the throttle and choke mechanism. Most uncipped, but I found that I needed to undo this screw, which attaches the choke mechanism onto the side of the plastic airbox.
I also had to loosen this screw to slide this linkage out. I marked its position with a marker pen.
Once the linkage was loosened, I could rotate the carb to the side, without removing the fuel line. This revealed the reed valve plate
There are 3 10mm bolts holding on the reed valve plate.
This is the reed valve. Notice one side I have opened out and one is in the stock condition:
I had read of people opening the reed valve out with pliers, but I was worried of twisting it, or damaging the rest of the assembly, so I removed the plate and rigged up a bending fixture in my vice, using a bit of brass I found.
I needed something flat to bend out the clearance, and settled on a bolster chisel.
My feeler gauges don't go up to 6mm, so I measured various things in my toolbox til I found something that was right. (I've since heard of using a 6mm drill bit, which would have been easier!)