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Old 09 June 2019, 18:49   #1
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Fuel blockage problem


Had a long run in the rib yesterday and today, had to refuel whilst underway yesterday. I had bought a spout to fit on to the jerry can and when using it, the plastic thing at the end fell off and went down the fuel inlet pipe, I tried to get it out but could not reach it and I fear it has fallen further in

Coming back today, twice the engine stopped, the primer bulb would not reflate, we opened the fuel cap and after 30 seconds or so it came clear and all worked fine again. I can only assume (given this has never happened before but happened twice today in the space of half an hour) that the plastic end was blocking the outlet from the tank.

I filled the tank right up in the hope that the plastic end would float to the top of the inlet pipe but it has not done,

The boat is a ribeye, the plastic bit was just smaller than the inlet pipe

Has this happened to anyone else or am I the only one daft enough to have done this, and does anyone have an idea of how it can be fixed (the boat is a 2005 Ribeye A600)

Many thanks
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Old 09 June 2019, 19:37   #2
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Probably more unfortunate than daft.

I suspect there isn't a magic way of retrieving it. The plastic bit will sink to the bottom of the tank which is where the fuel pick up pipe is.

Does the tank have a hatch in the top of it, possibly where the fuel sender or filler tube is?
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Old 09 June 2019, 22:51   #3
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Originally Posted by GuyC View Post
Probably more unfortunate than daft.

I suspect there isn't a magic way of retrieving it. The plastic bit will sink to the bottom of the tank which is where the fuel pick up pipe is.

Does the tank have a hatch in the top of it, possibly where the fuel sender or filler tube is?
A few years ago due to years of crap having gradually got into the built in tank I used a 100mm holesaw to cut an access hole in the to of the tank. We then put a plate back on. It's not a huge job but was well worth doing as it enabled us to completely clean the tank out.
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Old 10 June 2019, 12:33   #4
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does the fuel pickup pipe come out is it just a blank end of pipe with no filter on it which it sounds like it hasn't, if you can undo and get it out cut a small notch in each side that way the plastic bit won't get a full seal across the end.
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Old 11 June 2019, 11:27   #5
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Fuel tank access

It’s easily done. You will have access to the fuel tank interior via the fuel sender plate which is most likely to be under a circular deck hatch, probably inside the console. Buy a flexible claw tool off Amazon (roughly £3) and you should be able to get hold of the item after a bit of messing around. I dropped a screw down my neck filler while removing the surround and that’s how I retrieved it.
All is not lost, best of luck, Phil.
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Old 11 June 2019, 11:50   #6
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Originally Posted by tom26 View Post
Coming back today, twice the engine stopped, the primer bulb would not reflate, we opened the fuel cap and after 30 seconds or so it came clear and all worked fine again.
Potentially the spout is still stuck tight in your filler pipe - blocking the takeoff for the breather? This would create the vacuum that you seem to be experiencing and then releasing.
IIWY I would either remove the fill pipe from the tank (this is often inside the console and easy to do) and work the blockage back up with rods OR use a coathanger wire with a small hookback on the end to pass down through the filler and hook it back up and out.

Opening the fuel tank would be my last resort.
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Old 11 June 2019, 11:56   #7
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I've got a couple of the gizmos referred to by Phil & Jane & they've been used over the years for retrieving a lot of dropped bits from various places on car engines & the odd boat tank!
This type of thing:

Also got one with a magnet on the end, although that wouldn't be much use for your plastic problem.
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Old 11 June 2019, 12:24   #8
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Thank you all for the tips, i am going to go up to the boat this weekend and try these out, will start with the inlet pipe and hopefully it is there and failing that, i will be fishing for plastic in the fuel tank

thank you all (will update this thread once resolved in case it happens to others)
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