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Old 09 September 2005, 11:42   #21
Country: UK - England
Town: Kent
Boat name: Cygnet
Make: Humber
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 70hp 4* outbo
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 205
We started our inflatable a few weeks a go after standing idle for nearly 18 months (Yamaha 40hp Autolube), it was started on the 4th pull with unleaded fuel that had been sitting in the fuel tank all that time. So if anyone wants to get rid of a tanker full of unleaded fuel that’s past its sell by date I’ll give you half a crown for it, and chance whether I’m being done.
Swanley Sub-Aqua Club
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Old 11 September 2005, 13:48   #22
Hugh Jardon's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Reading, Hants
Boat name: Juicy
Make: Sealine F43
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2 x 370hp
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,884
well i have to agree that the moden unleaded fuel does degrade over time and a fairly short time at that as discussed on here. in the days of the good old leaded fuel that stuff would last a fair while and had various chemicals and additives in it to help the engine if not the environment. my boat with a honda 90 saw no use really last year and the fuel in it was probably a couple of years old. hit the key and vrooom, not a whimper of discomfort. however with the modern 2 strokes they are more sensitive to fuel type with this direct injection stuff. Problem is when fuel evaporates in the engine and fuel lines and carbs it can cause some problems there. but i am sure my lawn mower would be glad to have some old fuel even with a bit of oil in it.

years ago when i was a young lad i purchased an austin allegro, groan, from a policeman none the less, it had a knackered engine in it but everything else was very very good condition, so i gave him £350 for it. I used to buy and sell bikes and cars a lot then.. i decided to run it until the engine gave out, the main problem was it would do around 60 miles per gallon of oil, so i had to scavenge oil from Mt (in the RAF) and any friends doing an oil change and i had their old stuff. was quite a joke at the time. but the thing kept running. as time went on the speed it would do before misfiring cos of the amount of oil getting to the spark plugs meant i could only do 40 mph with light throttle otherwise it would stark conking out. one time on a trip to bristol on the way home i was low on oil, was using the same amount of engine oil as petrol at this stage, and the oil warning light came on and the engine got noisier, but i kept driving, kept driving, and the fu£king thing kept going. i was hoping for a nice bang and a bit of excitement but no just more noise, so got home put more oil in and drove around for another month. then i decided to splash the cash and exchange the engine for a reconditioned one at heathrow engines. then sold the car to a very happy punter who loved it. and i made 1100 quid on the deal. it is hard to believe that a knackered engine would run so long and also on many occassions with no oil, the only thing i can draw from it is probably most of the moving parts rarely touched so friction was not such an issue. anyway less about allegros and back to unleaded

if anyone is near hook and wants to off load fuel give me a shout and i iwll be there in a shot.


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