Fuel Filter - teflon tape on conx?
I have myself a fuel filter, something like the attached picture.
It has 4 x connections (one in, one out, two blocked).
There is no mention of it anywhere in the small piece of paper that came with it, but should I put (fuel-happy) teflon tape on the threads of the 4 connections before screwing them in, like a plumber would on water or gas connections in your house?
Reason I ask is that I have put it all together and screwed it in, and THEN thought about tape... so if it is 'recommended' or 'required' then I have to drain it and take it all apart... something happy to avoid if there is absolutely no need whatsoever... but also want to make sure I don't turn my boat into a bomb.
Have had it running for 5 mins and no leaks seen...
What would you do?!